Interesting and Humour - page 962


This is the kind of crap that has been methodically and consciously drummed into the minds of the population for three decades now. Add to this the already formed 2-3 young generations of drunken, stoned people with nowhere to go. Also add the sold-out, dismantled and obsolete military-industrial complex of a vast resource-rich country.

There are well-known and time-tested truths:

-- You want to live in peace, prepare for war.

-- If you do not want to feed your own army, you will feed someone else's.

There are not enough "voluntary soldiers" to defend territories as vast as in the Russian Federation. No "hired army" has ever defended and will never defend an inch of another's land. No nation can afford to maintain a contract army because it is insanely expensive and pointless. And don't bring up the states as an example. They are separated from the world by two oceans on both sides, and they fight on foreign soil.

Use your floating and cracked brains, you marauder. It does not do any good to you or us - where will your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren live? Or is it a pity that we did not surrender to the Germans in their time - we would have been drinking Bovarian beer? Or maybe the Far East should be given to the Japanese? Siberia to the Chinese?

That is how Sterling proposes to divide Russia:

On the contrary, our (post-Soviet youth) brains will be cleaner (well our consciousness is not exactly clean and clear, but certainly cleaner than the Soviet one).

"Но те, что отправляют тебя в последний бой,
 Не станут умирать рядом с тобой." (с) Lumen

The times of "army" for "army" are passing. Technology will decide everything in the near future. And I personally will not fight anyone for anything. I only allow my family and friends to be defended, not the country/state/the Putin/Yanyk/the business (foreign)/any other jerk under the beautiful wrapping of "Motherland Calls!". Those are all slogans for the "sovoks" and backward totalitarian societies (and by the way, you know where it all led to, so no need to tell us how good it was, the main thing is how it all ended).

And the modern army (I will speak about the Ukrainian army) is stupid slavery (the brother served - for one and a half year he kept the weapon only on oath, and in the rest time he built the highway "Odessa - Kiev" for free, strengthened firths and was engaged in other slave work, instead of fighting training).

And in general, if anything - I immigrate - let the morons fight, normal people do not need war.


Trolling, flaming and other filth has been deleted. Try to control your unconscious, colleagues.

Talking about men and patriotism is not in this thread. It is neither interesting nor humorous.


Trolling, flaming and other filth has been deleted. Try to control your unconscious, colleagues.

Discussions about men and patriotism - not in this thread. It is neither interesting nor humorous.

You, as always, are (in your own way) wise and impeccably accurate:

"In the occupied territories - music, again music, and nothing but music!" (A.Hitler).

Of interest and humour: "Only vodka, tobacco and pornography!" (A.Hitler)


Andrei, it wasn't about you in particular.

Generally speaking, I didn't want to see content that would be 99% likely to be deleted anyway - if not by the moderators, then by the admins.

What you have emphasized refers only to the manner of discussion in this thread. It really wasn't interesting at all.


On the contrary, our (post-Soviet youth) brains will be cleaner (well, our consciousness is not exactly clean and clear, but certainly cleaner than the Soviet one).

The times of "army" for "army" are passing. Technology will decide everything in the near future. And I personally will not fight anyone for anything. I only allow my family and friends to be defended, not the country/state/the Putin/Yanyk/the business (foreign)/any other jerk under the beautiful wrapping of "Motherland calls!". Those are all slogans for the "sovoks" and backward totalitarian societies (and by the way, you know where it all led to, so no need to tell us how good it was, the main thing is how it all ended).

And the modern army (I will speak about the Ukrainian army) is a stupid slavery (the brother served - for one and a half years he kept the weapon only on oath, and in the rest time he built the highway "Odessa - Kiev" for free, strengthened firths and was engaged in other slave work, instead of fighting training).

And in general, if anything - I immigrate - let the morons fight, normal people do not need war.

That's why we all (all in the former Soviet Union) are sitting in one big, common dupa. Because no one cares, because everyone is locked into their own little world, and they don't want to see anything further than their own noses.
This is precisely why we are all (all in the former Soviet Union) sitting in one big, shared dupa. Because no one cares, because everyone is closed off into their own little world, and they don't want to see anything further than their own noses.
I totally agree. Society is strong when it is united.

Trolling, flaming and other filth has been deleted. Try to control your unconscious, colleagues.

Talking about men and patriotism is not in this thread. It is neither interesting nor humorous.

And rightly so, maybe I'm wrong.

By the way, I am also in favour of a professional army. But the interesting thing is that there was recently a referendum in Austria on this issue. The Austrians did not want to give up conscription. I think they just like to run around with a machine gun for a year. For them it's just fun, an adrenaline rush. They don't see it as slavery. Like our office plankton enjoy paintball and so on.
By the way, I'm also in favour of a professional army. But it's interesting! There was recently a referendum on the subject in Austria. So the Austrians didn't want to give up conscription. I think they just like to run for a year with a machine gun. For them it's just fun, an adrenaline rush. They don't see it as slavery. Like our office plankton enjoy paintball and so on.

It's not so much fun, it's exciting ))))