Interesting and Humour - page 954


People of Earth, do you really believe that it was just a meteorite.

Come to your senses.


Look at this please, what's that in the girl's hand? Third photo from the bottom.


Looks like she's fixing her hair.

Anyway, I didn't see anything in her hand.

Of course, nowadays, when cellular communication is widespread, this picture is perceived as "unambiguous" :)


Earthlings, do you really believe that it was just a meteorite falling.

Come to your senses.

"... And at that moment the first bombs fell. They came like a meteor shower, not as numerous, but far more deadly than that. They were heading for the morning quadrant. To the side of the globe that was on the border between light and darkness. After covering a distance of four hundred million miles, they collided with the Earth. Their cosmic speed was countered by the speed of Earth's military computers, which in microseconds detected and intercepted Christmas presents from the Outer..."

Bester Alfred"Tiger, Tiger"


People of Earth, do you really believe that it was just a meteorite.

Come to your senses.

Wolfowitz saidso right away :)
- What's the difference between beer and piss?
- Half an hour

Here's a real 33.1/3 !




(All! )))