Interesting and Humour - page 950

TheXpert: And you explain WHAT can shoot down anything at altitude more than 30 km flying at speed of who knows how many km/sec.

Theoretically, it can, if you estimate the speed correctly and launch the missile in the opposite direction. That is, it should not be aimed at the object, but at the intended rendezvous point.

But then there would still be a missile trail.


Flying, it fell apart. There was water in the composition. Especially not necessarily an inversion trail.

And you explain WHAT can shoot down anything at an altitude of over 30 km flying at a speed of who knows how many km/sec.

Did I claim to have shot it down? More like tried to.

With what? On the one hand, there's nothing but rockets, too far away.

On the other hand, there is no trace.

But: subsonic missiles at such a distance is not a fact that will be seen as well. A Buk, for example.

It's a murky business. We need expert commentary here.

Silent: But: subsonic missiles at that distance are not necessarily visible either. The Buk, for example.
What the hell are subsonic missiles if the object is flying at least at 50 Mach.

Theoretically, it can, if you estimate the speed correctly and launch the missile in the opposite direction. That is, it should not be aimed at the object, but should fly to the intended rendezvous point.

Yes, but SAMs don't shoot themselves, and taking into account the speed of the object it took about 10 seconds to sight it, taking into account that s-400 on alert, detected the object at 600 km and managed to shoot down the object at 15 km / s at a maximum claimed speed of 5 km / s and was shooting with the fastest missiles.


// would spend hours looking at that face and listening ))

Let's calculate

An attempt to estimate the size of the meteorite that fell in the Urals today.

Based on the reactions of the video recorder cameras (see, the peak illumination at the time of the flash is about 300 thousand lux. According to eyewitness accounts, many got a tan on their faces, indicating a significant UV excess, from which we can assume that the visible area received no more than half of the light emission. Taking the distance to the flash to be 15 km, we obtain a power of 2.5∙1012 W. Duration of flash - about 3 seconds, so the energy that went into the radiation of the order of 7.5∙1012 J. If the kinetic energy is twice as much, then for a speed of 10 km / s, we obtain an estimate of mass of 300 tons. Depending on the density of the meteorite, we obtain an estimate of its size from 4 (iron) to 20 (methane snow) meters.

And the TNT equivalent of the explosion turns out to be almost 4 kilotons...

UPDATE: I saved the clip( locally to take it apart and measure it.
So: 140 seconds elapse between the flash (4:40)and the arrival of the sound (7:00). Let's assume that the DVR's diagonal field of view is 120° (which is standard for most HD video recorders). Then the height of the flash over the horizon is ~30°. The shockwave velocity is roughly estimated as Vzv∙Pf/Pa, where Pf is pressure at the front and Pa is atmospheric pressure. Considering that the shock wave did not break the stone walls and did not move the cars, one can assume that the pressure difference at the front did not exceed 10 kPa (this is already very much - a ton per square meter). This means that we can assume that for most of its path, the shockwave was ahead of the sound by no more than 10%. If the speed of sound along most of its path is taken as 280 m/s (because the temperature along most of its path is about -40°C to -50°C), then it would not be a big mistake to take a round number - 300 m/s - as the speed of the wave.
Then the height of the meteorite explosion would be 140∙300∙sin(30°) = 21,000 m.
The distance of the object is 42 km. The angular velocity is 20° per second, from where we find the linear velocity: 14.7 km/sec. Thus, the calculation must be corrected. In this clip, the peak illumination corresponds to a bright sunny day - saturation of the sensor has not occurred - so not less than 70k but not more than 100k lux. But we now know the exact distance to the flare - 42 km. The spectrum is close to the solar spectrum, i.e. 50% of the emitted energy falls on the visible region. The duration of the flare is two seconds.
New estimate of flash energy: 1.3∙1013 J. Assuming, as before, that half of kinetic energy goes to light emission, we obtain meteorite energy 2,6∙1013 J, where we have a mass of 240 tons at 14,7 km/sec. Size of iron meteorite of such mass - 4 meters, stone meteorite - 6 meters, ice meteorite - 8 meters.
TNT equivalent energy of the explosion: 6 kilotons.
It's no use. By crushing the rocket version with calculations, you will make you look towards aliens and so on to infinity.
It's no use. By crushing the rocket version with your calculations, you will make you look in the direction of aliens and so on to infinity.
It's not my calculation, if anything) I'm just posting interesting versions.