Interesting and Humour - page 769


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Like a beauty peek

On the ride a comfortable couch


+ 100

Brazil has installed a magic payphone that allows children to call and talk to Santa Claus. The phone box was installed by Brazil's largest telecommunications company, Oi, in the capital Rio de Janeiro. Children communicate with Santa Claus in real time, though his role is played by actors who watch them on a video monitor.

But the magic doesn't end there. While the children are talking to Santa, small presents appear right behind their backs, snow falls and a festive projection appears on the building across the street. In addition, fairy tale elves pass nearby and a children's choir appears, singing festive songs.


+ 100

Brazil has installed a magic payphone that allows children to call and talk to Santa Claus. The phone box was installed by Brazil's largest telecommunications company, Oi, in the capital Rio de Janeiro. Children communicate with Santa Claus in real time, though his role is played by actors who watch them on a video monitor.

But the magic doesn't end there. While the children are talking to Santa, small presents appear right behind their backs, snow falls and a festive projection appears on the building across the street. In addition, fairy tale elves pass nearby and a children's choir appears, singing festive songs.

Well done Brazilians. They should sort out crime and the country would be a candy bar, unlike the permanent climbing out of their knees.