Interesting and Humour - page 767

If I insert a short link, it stays in text boxes. If I generate code, the video is inserted but not added.

It doesn't get much easier than that:

That's it, I've got it. I should have included the camera in the message first))))

The feast is coming to us

Peter the Great's decree "On the dignity of guests at assemblies and corporate carousels".

Written by Alexander Menshikov, the Tsar's Adviser, for execution by sovereign's and civil servants' men.

On the Dignity of a Guest at Assemblies and Corporate Drunkennesses:

Before appearing at assemblies the guest must be:

a) To wash carefully and not to be spared water, without skipping any other places. Afterwards I will sprinkle it with floral water, so that the ladies will not turn their faces from the stench of horse and gunpowder;

b) I will shave with care, so that the ladies will not be harmed by the stubble;

c) To the hungry half and to the drunk a little. And to this end, drink no liquor and eat no garlic, onion, or any other odious inhalation.

When you come to visit, familiarize yourself with the disposition of the house beforehand, on a light head. Especially the disposition of the toilets should be noted. Information in that part of the mind, which is less susceptible to guilt than others. In a hurry, do not confuse our lavatory with the ladies' lavatory.

Consume in moderation, so as not to hinder our dancing with a heavy belly. And drink the potion as long as your legs hold you up. If they fail, drink it sitting down. Save your strength for the end, for if you take it for a rest, you may not be able to endure and not reach your chambers.

If you do not know how to measure in the drink, then supervise your wife or what have you, - the guardian has more state vigil.

If you smell any zeal in your wife, pretend to be drunk and keep watch. If you see that it's she who's promoting you with politeness, be patient, and don't be alarmed. If she fornicates in vain, beat them both, if you can manage it. Don't beat the woman viciously, she's good for something else.

When you've had too much to drink and you're in trouble, march quickly to the lavatory. On the way, use all your strength to hold back your villainous belly.

The drunken men are to be stacked carefully, so that they may not be damaged or disturb others. The Lord is the Lord of the world, the Lord of the world, and the Lord of the world. If you are without a wife, give God a hand, so that he will not choke on it.

"When you are without a wife, God willing, think yourself single. Do not gaze upon the ladies' charms with open greed, but stealthily. They notice that, too, do not hesitate. That's the way to respect them and not to make them look insolent. Before you touch her, look around for her husband or keeper, or you'll wear your embarrassment on your face for a week.

There's no fun in Russia without singing. If you get into a rage, listen to your neighbour, you will be like the donkey of Balaam. On the contrary, with your musicianship and sweet-sounding voice you will win the honours of your guests and the favour of the ladies. Remember, a woman's heart is receptive to music and singing, and is softened by it. Do not lose the moment for the assault!

When you have a fancy for tobacco, go out into the court, but do not make a foul stench in the hall.

When you go out, check your pockets to see if anything of the master's has been stolen, for some especially zealous footmen may be in the front door at the instigation of the master!
Are there any art historians here?

About contemporary art:
Are there any art historians here?

About contemporary art:
This kind of 'art' is good for a good laugh. )))

Art is something that helps you hear and see something that makes you think, helps you come to some important conclusions, leads you to a source, from which you start generating ideas that will make the world a little better. If you don't have all that, you're not looking at art, you're looking at a pile of shit that someone else has shat on.

That's what art is:

Are there any art critics here?

Screw all art historians.

You either like the thing or you don't. All the rest is just blah-blah-blah-blah.


will lead you to the source, from which you begin to generate ideas

♪ just don't get carried away ♪