Interesting and Humour - page 662

New York
They're bullshitting and making a big deal out of it. The breeze is blowing, the rain is dripping. Somebody got hit by a billboard. Somebody's got Chubais knocking out their lights. Somebody's got a sewer burst. That's normal for us, Armageddon for the Finches.
They're lying and making a big deal out of it. The breeze is blowing, the rain is dripping. Somewhere a billboard nailed someone. Somebody's got Chubais knocking out their lights. For us it's normal, for the Pindos it's armageddon.

Yuri, aren't you taking too much on yourself?

You can see that the entire city is flooded under half a metre of water! A city the size of Moscow.

If there are not many victims (but there are), the estimated losses are $10-20 billion. Think about this figure.


Yuri, aren't you taking too much on yourself?

You can see that the whole city is flooded under half a metre of water! A city the size of Moscow.

Let's get Bloomberg to clean up the sewers and the ditches. And everything will be fine. If they don't clean them, of course, there will be water everywhere.


If there are not many victims (but they are there), the estimated damages will be $10-20 billion.

They will do much better than that to bribe insurance companies. Is it your first time?
Get Bloomberg to clean the sewers and the ditches. And everything will be fine. And if they don't, of course there will be water everywhere.

You'd better sit tight.

Manhattan is practically surrounded by water on all sides. It's a flood, not a drizzle!


sit in silence.

Manhattan is surrounded on practically every side by water. It's flooding, not drizzling!

Oh, come on. You're going to make more up. You'd better read the comment at the link

"Yesterday I talked to a relative in New York who lives in midtown and he laughed about it. Those who live on the coast are flooded, you have to choose where you live if you live near the sea, you have to wait for it all the time.

Or watch the reports from New York, where everyone's standing in the rain and smiling.

The water really has flooded some places. But, as I said before, the sewers need to be cleaned up, not just chewed up and waited for it to flood.

Nothing will happen to these vermin... Nothing will happen to these vermin - shit doesn't sink.


sit in silence.

Manhattan is practically surrounded by water on all sides. It's flooding, not drizzling!

He's just yanking you around ))
He's just yanking your chain.)

Oh, come on, a sewer burst in Manhattan. It's a tragedy of global proportions. Everyone put on mourning clothes and show solidarity with the parasites.

And in Damascus, there are explosions in the city centre and lots of dead bodies. That's nothing. It's peaceful rebels out there having fun.

Whatever happened to you there, I sympathise. It's gonna be okay.
Whatever happened to you, I sympathise. Everything will be all right.

We have floods too, especially in spring and the wind blows and trees break. But no one shuts their mouth:


you'd better sit tight.