Interesting and Humour - page 631

That's it, it's sorted. It's a really cool site glitch. )) It's nobody's fault.)
Gut. I'm relieved :)

Especially for Mishek. Do not delete! ))


Especially for Mishek. Do not delete! ))

How should I say it, well, in general the speakers are missing. I mean, there's some, but it's not enough.
How should I put it, well, in general, the dynamics are lacking. I mean, it's there, but it's not enough.
It's for relaxation. ))
That's it, we got it. It's a very cool site glitch. )) It's nobody's fault.)

It wasn't a stereo picture . )) It wasn't supposed to be there at all.

But for those who still have it, it's called Find the Seven Differences.


Leaf ( no stereo ) ))


To hell with the Big Mac Index

Long live the borscht index


To hell with the Big Mac Index

Long live the borscht index

After that information, nothing but foul language comes to mind.

Well, and bad wishes.


To hell with the Big Mac Index

Long live the borscht index.

What the hell is vegetable oil in the ingredients? Pork rinds should be in borscht, not surrogates. Where's the sour cream? Besides, dill is much better than the narcotic (according to Russia's chief doctor KhYZbolit) parsley.

Since the ingredients are specified for surrogate borscht, it is not surprising that the cost of natural products can be much higher than in the countries that consume surrogates and other fast food.