Interesting and Humour - page 485


I can't do without meat.

In fact, you should eat what your ancestors ate. The whole body is optimized for it.

Would you like to? I didn't make this experiment just for me. )) I feel great. And we are capable of infinitely more than we can even imagine in our current state of development. )) Personally, I wouldn't go back even if I was told that I would live half as long without it. But that's not the case. It is possible to live without it for just as long. Well, relatively long. ))

And in general, you don't have to listen to anyone and you have to do it the way it's built into your neural network. Nature will do it the way it wants anyway. You just have to listen to your program and act according to its algorithm. ))

You can get worms from lake fish, less often river fish. If you eat red fish, you can't get worms at all. It's also the tastiest.
I'm a little off the mark here. I eat fish, so my experiment isn't exactly "clean". But I want to do without it. But then I have to plan my diet more carefully. To get all the necessary nutrients for normal life.

Powerful stuff :)

I don't get full without meat. I eat few carbohydrates to keep the house weight gain in check.

Vegetables and meat.

The body gets used to everything. The good and the bad. And to what you really need and even to what you can not only do without but even harmful (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.). I've experimented with all of the above and even consciously drove myself to the point of addiction. But then I just left it behind forever, like it was junk. That's how I developed willpower in myself. And I also wanted to prove to some people that anything is possible if you really want it. It is true that giving something up is difficult (I suppose) if you don't have a goal. When there is a goal, there is something on which one can fully concentrate, and then one can easily reprogram oneself.

By the way, the book MetaDriver posted is pretty good. Such a general summary of various fields, each of which is of course much more interesting and complete. ))


I don't get full without meat. In order to keep the house weight off, I don't eat much carbohydrate.

Vegetables and meat.

Oh, yeah. Bought a bread maker, and here we go. It's like I'm gonna have my own honest bread. Yeah ))

The bread was gone before it got cold. And "for tomorrow" again no, must make, and again before it cooled down, it disappeared, the third run remained partially for tomorrow )))

Here are the sausages, wieners, sausages replaced with their own successfully. Fortunately there is now enough natural casing everywhere. And tastier and without factory additives.


Would you like to? Then start!

Nope ) I don't want to
Nope ) I don't want to.
That's right. We have to act on nature's call. ))

I have a television in my kitchen. A lot of people do. I watch something and eat. There was a show on cable once. Dude ate everything. Just to show that it's real to survive in the wild. My God, what he didn't eat or drink. Scorpions, live snakes, insects. He cut the eyeball out of a dead sheep and ate it. My appetite quickly wore off. I also thought it would be the cameraman's turn at the end.

This is to say that man, like the bear, is a completely omnivorous animal.


It is to say that man, like the bear, is a completely omnivorous animal.

Exactly. As for the cameramen and hunters who are out of ammunition, it's not advisable to eat them right away. You have to scare them and let them... around. And then you can eat them))
We should scare them and give them ...
He will stink then)))
I didn't finish a bit. I eat fish, so my experiment is not exactly 'clean'. But I want to give it up too.
Pure vegetarianism is evil. It's kind of like getting the full range of essentials when you include dairy products in your diet.

this is the "it's interesting" section...

did you know, dear fans of this interesting thing, that the bear, the raccoon and the hedgehog are related?