Interesting and Humour - page 478

This is where you are wrong. Fan fights and "box-to-box" or "street-to-street" fights have their origins in the tradition of the Russian people. When the Russians on the left beat up the Russians on the right in a folk game called "wall-to-wall" at fairs, there was no anti-Semitism, no political overtones, and no other bullshit. It was just an outburst of emotion and energy, even at the level of primitive people.
Yeah... I didn't get to the end and wanted to write "And they used to eat people"...
Yeah... I was going to write "They used to eat people" before I finished...
People are still eaten nowadays, but for religious reasons. Many elements of cannibalism are still preserved today in one form or another. Take Christianity for example. Jesus said eat this bread, it is my meat, drink this wine, it is my blood. The apostles ate the communion bread and drank the consecrated wine, believing that by doing so, they were eating the body of their God, who was still alive. Now the religious sacrament of Christians eating their God is called Communion. Isn't that nice?

Yes, it's all true. It's one of the ways of control in this case.

And with the other... Let everyone decide for themselves. I just don't like wall or fist fights "for fun". The point of force is only to protect the family. Although not... in general to protect... Who knows.

But not to break noses in an argument, to drink what moonshine and laugh from the heart (I am talking about the past, historical ))))

Let's be nicer and on Shrove Tuesday eat pancakes and burn effigies))).


Let's be kinder and at Shrovetide, for example, just eat pancakes and burn a scarecrow.)

Cynics, satirists and "mystics" (contours 5-8) havetold usa hundred times over that"reason is a venal maid", i.e. that the semanticcontour is open to manipulation by more ancient, more primitive contours. No matterhow stubbornly the Rationalistdenies this claim, in the near term it always turns out to be true - that is, to use one ofthe Rationalist's favourite words, it is always pragmatically true . Whoevermanages to scare people enough (cause bio-survival anxiety) will be able to quickly impose onthem whatever verbal card they thinkwill bring them relief, i.e. relieve their anxiety. By scaring people into Hell and then promising them Salvation, the most ignorant and perverted individuals can impose on them an entire philosophicalsystem that would not stand up to two minutes ofrational analysis. And any alpha male domesticated primate, no matter how violent or depraved, can lead anentire pack of primates by shouting that the alpha male of a rival pack is about to attack their territory. These two mammalian reflexes are known as Religion and Patriotism respectively. They are triggered in domesticated primates in exactly the same way as in wild primates, as they are RelativeEvolutionary Achievements (at a certain stage).

Theemotional-territorial, or "patriotic" circuit also contains programs of status, or pack hierarchy .Acting in tandem with the biosurvival anxiety of the first circuit, it is always capable of perverting the functioning of the semantic rational circuit. Anything that couldlead to a loss of status and anything that intrudes into the "space" of the individual (including the ideological "space") is a threat to the average domesticated primate. If, for instance,some poor creature is used to a certain status in life - "I'm white, not a fucking nigger" or "I'm normal, not a queer" etc. - any attempt to preach* tolerance, humanism, relativism etc. will be processed in him not by the semantic but bythe emotional circuit and be regarded as an attack on status (ego, social role).

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Awesome! )) I have to read it. Although it's pretty obvious, and often being alone and being an observer of what's going on around the "spectacle" for most of my life, there are moments when one ponders similar things. But liked the cold syllable. The cold truth. The cold stare.

I wonder if the corrupt maiden can evolve into a chaste maiden in the process of evolution. :)


Awesome! )) I'll have to read it. Although it's pretty obvious, and often being alone and being an observer of what's going on around the "spectacle" for most of my life, there are moments when one ponders similar things. But liked the cold syllable. The cold truth. A cold look.

I wonder if the corrupt maiden can evolve into a chaste maiden in the process. :)


The book is not cold. It's just that its "temperature" goes way beyond the ultraviolet into the X-ray and gamma radiation realms.

It is obligatory reading for all programmers (I will check it later!) and learning by heart for those interested in neural networks and genetic algorithms. ;-)

I just didn't quite understand the words I quoted as the words to answer. What was the interpretation?
I just did not quite understand the words I quoted as the words to respond. what was the interpretation?
I just wanted to raise the "level of discussion". I used a phrase that was taken out of context, so that would explain the logic:

At Shrovetide, for example, one may simply eat pancakes and burn an effigy.)

-any attempt to preach* tolerance, humanism, relativism, etc. will be processed in it with an emotional rather than a semantic contour and will be regarded as an attack on status (ego, social role).


Hmm )) I'm not religious at all. I'm not a member of anything.) I don't celebrate Shrovetide either. But I love pancakes.

Fist fights were practiced at Shrovetide in combination with other events, if memory serves me correctly.

With my words I wanted to remove fighting from the list of those events.

And to be kinder and more loyal... That is not a call. It is up to him how he wants to be.

Slightly about the other.Now, with the advent and the rise of a daughter, has become much more serious about many things that I did not particularly care about before.

Such as a dog without a muzzle, and even with drunken masters ... Young aggressive in the streets and transport ...

It's summer now, and again drunken companies in the street, near the house...

And who's there to call? I'm not trying to.


I'm tired and I can't... I'd rather help tomorrow!

remember and tell everyone, it helps.