Interesting and Humour - page 413


In 20 years of coven, the first adequate culture minister.

What do you think of the new Minister of Culture's initiative to remove the body of the leader of the world proletariat and leader of the great October revolution, Vladimir Lenin, from the mausoleum
What do you think of the initiative of the new Minister of Culture to remove the body of Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the October revolution and leader of the world proletariat, from the mausoleum?
Let's put it to a vote :)
What do you think of the new Minister of Culture's initiative to remove the body of Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the great October revolution and leader of the world proletariat, from the mausoleum?

Everyone is entitled to his point of view.

You have to look at the whole idea that he, as Minister of Culture, is bringing to society.

The main thing is NOT to make exceptions the rule, but rules the exception.


it's a joke


Everyone is entitled to his point of view.

You have to look at the whole idea that he, as Minister of Culture, is bringing to society.

The main thing is NOT to make exceptions the rule, but rules the exception.

I don't get it. How do you feel about his proposal?

of the state department.

I don't know who put the editorial on the wiki.

Let's have a vote :)

"Any donkey can kick a dead lion."

Arrange a better vote on the fate of the ashes of your dead relatives. It's fairer to your conscience and tact.

Was Lenin a lion or something?
I don't get it. How do YOU feel about his proposal ?

I personally do not feel that way. From his mouth it was only a statement, not a guide to action. All the more so because his suggestion that Lenin's body should be consigned to the ground with full honours is a worthy one.

But now is not the time to deal with issues that unequivocally divide society.

And the question of what to do with Lenin's body - the current generation of leaders - is incapable of deciding.

Why is a corpse lying in a public place anyway? Necrophilia, you know. The dead get the land. Flats for the living. A mausoleum to be dismantled into bricks and given to the poor.