Interesting and Humour - page 306

I'm sorry, what the fuck is this? It's the only relaxing thread. You don't want to read it.

It has nothing to do with you. My post is in response to Mathemat's warning.

And I like it. I want to read it, but I also want to speak out. If it's forbidden to speak out in the thread or if one must speak out only in a certain politically correct manner, then delete all my posts from Mathemat and leave it at that. Just keep your posts. That's fine with me.

1. No comments which may offend or insult other visitors are permitted.

Exactly. That's why I warned you. You turned to everyone else and said"you are in the minority".

This is not a tribune for broadcasting stamps and addressing the crowd. This is a forum. If you address someone, please do so in person. Or designate the addressee more accurately, e.g. "dear coders".

During last months - this thread has been turned into an active political tribune, and with one-sided interpretation. In addition to videos, caricatures of the legally elected head of the Russian Federation are allowed. If you're giving me a warning, as a moderator, stop the political verbiage entirely.

That is incorrect, you are interpreting things in your favour. There's no podium here.

Any generalizations like "you" (referring to the undefined many, not one person) have been and still are unacceptable here. And anyone has the right to express personal political views - as long as they comply with the rules of the forum.

Think about what you're doing to other members of the thread by addressing them the way you did ("you're in the minority").

If it's forbidden to express oneself in a branch or one must express oneself only in a certain politically correct plane, then delete all my posts with Mathemat - and that's it. Just keep your posts. I don't mind.

I only intervened to let you know that you're doing something wrong. The rest is up to you.

The appeal is personified to Mischek, because the dialogue is ongoing with him and he supports this dialogue.

Yeah, yeah, don't make my bald skull laugh. And"you're in the minority" is that one of Mischek's? There's a tribune in the whole post addressing the Million Dollar March all at once...


He seemed to like it.

Nizhny Tagil


He seemed to like it.

Nizhny Tagil

Listen, Mishek, maybe it's a conspiracy of the power structures?

Maybe the tsar is driving around wondering where the people are, and they're hiding everything from him?


Listen, Mishek, maybe it's a conspiracy of the power structures?

Maybe the tsar is driving around thinking - where are the people? And they are hiding everything from him?

Yolkin has another option. I'll find it.)

There you go. That's it.


I have to intervene. Your speeches remind me very much of someone(C-4 if you haven't guessed). And especially the "you're a minority" and all that. Who is "you"? Who are you addressing?

That kind of address is unacceptable as it is hardcore trolling.

This is a warning.

Come on, Alexey. Unfortunately the policy of double standards with a bias towards supporting the opposition is a clear trend on this resource. Those who post in the style "United Russia is the party of crooks and thieves" are also trolls, since the message is clearly addressed to all 2 million party members. So we too can ask you, "Who is this Them"? For example, on what basis is there a discussion of corruption in government - who are the "authorities", what specific people and what are they guilty of?

C-4: Those who post in the style of "EdRo is the party of crooks and thieves" are also trolls, as the reference is clearly to all 2 million party members.

Vasily, don't you understand the difference between "EdRo is the party of crooks and thieves" and "All members of EdRo are crooks and thieves"? Don't pick on words: I know what sophistry is too.

And secondly, the conversation is about those on this forum. The rules apply specifically to them.

Just look at how Andrey's clichéd phrases in this thread are treated ("piss off", "hello Stalin" etc.)...

Unfortunately the policy of double standards with a bias towards supporting the opposition is a clear trend on this resource.

There is no double standard here. No one is preventing those who are critical of the actions of the opposition from speaking out. But they should do it correctly, without generalizations like "you are in the minority" and empty clichés.

Okay, enough already. Let's move on. I hope abolk understands what has been said to him as clearly as you did in your time.