Interesting and Humour - page 305


mentality is different.

They definitely have a different mentality. What shall we do?

Change ours and bring back pioneering and Komsomol?

- Left his mark on the earth).
Putin came to a fortune-teller and said: "Tell me about the future. Fortune Teller: I see you in a car with the top open, I see hundreds of thousands of people around the car. I see these people are very happy, they are standing with flags, balloons, clapping, shouting "Bravo", very happy faces. Putin smiled, and said: "Well, yes, the people love me! Can I shake their hands? - No. The coffin lid is closed...
Spit it out...
Download the film, Experiment 2, accurately translated by The Wave, produced in Germany, try to find ten differences. Or google something on neuro-linguistic programming, mass unconsciousness.

Yes, that's how it should be done. Too loyal to the minority. They have been playing at democracy since 1985. How much territory has been lost because of separatism. Troops have been redeployed from Afghanistan to Chechnya. Education and medicine have almost been destroyed. The economy has been curtailed. The population is impoverished. There are lackeys in western Ukraine and the Baltic States, who were unharmed by the loyal power in their time, are marching. And they still cannot cope with the opposition micro minority. If you created a democracy, then play by the rules that the liberals themselves created. If you do not like it, vote for impeachment in the parliament. Not enough votes? That's right: you're in the minority. And if you are in the minority: then don't ruin people's holiday. Nobody is forbidding you to carry ribbons and balloons, hold rallies and marches of hundreds of people under the title of "march of millions", puff up cheeks and wishful thinking.

I have to intervene. Your speeches remind me very much of someone(C-4 if you haven't guessed). And especially the "you are in the minority" and all that. Who is "you"? Who are you addressing?

That kind of address is unacceptable as it is hardcore trolling.

This is a warning.


The post is paid for by the state department. Via webmoney.


to hold rallies, marches of hundreds of people called "march of millions", to puff up cheeks, to wishful thinking.

I have to intervene. Your speeches remind me very much of someone(C-4 if you haven't guessed). And especially the "you're a minority" and all that. Who is "you"? Who are you addressing?

Such treatment is unacceptable as it is hardcore trolling.

This is a warning.

I understand that you personally act as an official - i.e. moderator. If so, that you must follow the rules of the resource, namely referring to the rule:

1. No statements that may offend or insult other visitors are allowed.

There are members with different political views on the forum. Including those with "Pu is our president" views.

In recent months - this thread has been turned into an active political podium, and with a one-sided interpretation. In addition to videos, caricatures of the legally elected head of the Russian Federation are allowed. If you're giving me a warning, as a moderator, stop the political verbiage entirely. This is a thematic resource and has nothing to do with politics, including domestic Russian state affairs.

About "hard trolling" - your classification is wrong or my posts are trolling on the same trolling. The reference is personified to Mischek, as the dialogue is with him and he supports it.


In recent months - this branch has been turned into an active political tribune, with a lopsided interpretation. In addition to videos, caricatures of the legally elected head of the Russian Federation are allowed. If you're giving me a warning, as a moderator, stop the political verbiage entirely. This is a thematic resource and has nothing to do with politics, including domestic Russian state affairs.

Fucking hell. Greetings from Stalin. This is the 21st century. There are no words.

If you're giving me a warning, as a moderator, stop the political bickering entirely.

I'm sorry, where the fuck is this coming from? It's the only thread that's relaxed. You don't want to read it.