Interesting and Humour - page 244

On the morning of 30 March, French President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke on Europe 1 radio.Sarkozy said that the "trauma" inflicted on the French nation by the shootings in Montauban and Toulouse was "somewhat similar" to 9/11.

The president announced a large-scale operation to cleanse France of jihadists and confirmed the arrest of 19 radical Islamists.

"Buranovskiye Grannies about going to Eurovision 2012: "The main thing is to be healthy!

Buranovskiye Grannies won the national qualifying round and will represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest


"Buranovskiye Grannies about going to Eurovision 2012: "The main thing is to be healthy!

Buranovskiye Grannies won the national qualifying round and will represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest

Introducing the other contestants.


These are pensions.

Now we have to figure out how to convince the Europeans to lend Greece money

If you close a plugged-in iron in the fridge, who wins?!
I couldn't resist checking it out.
The iron died in the 25th minute almost completely defrosting the fridge. By the way, a very good idea for defrosting fridges, with disposable irons of course. The fridge created a fair amount of steam, but then something in the iron short-circuited and it shut down. The fridge took advantage of the moment and froze the door shut.
A draw?
An introductory lecture at a technical university. The professor says:
- Let me start by explaining to you what an engineer is. So, imagine a factory where every day they bring a truckload of alcohol for maintenance. There is a huge tank, where they pour the alcohol in. Near the tank sits a record-keeper, which gives out alcohol, strictly according to the bill (the tank has a tap). In the evening the rest of the alcohol is poured through the same tap. I ask a question: how do you steal alcohol from the plant?
The stunned students start coming up with theories.
- And now the answer, says our professor. - The engineers put a bucket in the tank. As a result, the bucket was filled when the tank was filled in the morning, and after the alcohol was drained, the bucket was taken out and drunk. Now let's study to be engineers.

A selection from the internet

***Nobody decorates a flat like this, like a little kid with felt-tip pens.

***- Do you pray before you eat?
- No, my wife's a good cook.

***Two pieces of dirt came from the street... They say, they're my kids... I'll go wash them off - they sound alike... )))))

***Grandmother reads a fairy tale to her granddaughter: "There were three sons of a father: the eldest was a clever boy, the middle son was both, the youngest was a fool..." - Bah, And their father was ill or what? - What makes you say that? - Did he get worse and worse every time?

***-Woman calls nutritionist :
- Doctor, I think I'm overweight.
- What makes you think that?
- Well, I bought a talking scale today, I weighed myself on it.
- And what did they tell you?
- They said, "one at a time, please."

***- I left my daughter (2 years old) with my husband. He sits at the computer, and her daughter plays with him in the dolls - she brings him water in the doll dishes, and he drinks: - Tasty, pour more. She does, tries... He was happy until he realized, , that the only water she can reach is in the toilet!

***Odessa. Shouting from the balcony:
- Arkasha, home!
The boy looks up:
- Am I cold?
- No, you're hungry!

The delights of married life......

A drunken husband comes home, his wife is in the kitchen doing the dishes. The husband hits the table with his fist: - Who is the master of the house? Wife hits him on the head with a frying pan. Passed out. Lying on the floor. A neighbour comes in: "Why is your man lying in the middle of the kitchen? - The owner! Where he wants and lies there.))