Interesting and Humour - page 239

Bears, maybe you should make the video smaller. Because in Firefox it doesn't fit to the width. )))

If you use helium instead of silicone, you can get really great boobs.

Yulia: Hey! How's the weather in Peter?)
Iks: Hi, shit.
Iks: It's me about the weather!!!

A mute rooster vibrates in the morning.

Papa Carlo is a real man. He planted a tree, grew a son from the tree, and built a house from the son.

It's a frosty morning. The sun is behind the clouds. The wind blows snow flakes across the sky. Silence. Only birds that have already returned from the south can be heard cursing quietly.


Fucking hell, that's it. The ROC has won. It's a good thing Pushkin didn't live to see it. I wonder if they will put children in jail for reading the original.


Cold summer of '53, new season, only in Russia.

what does it mean

On 7 May, to mark the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation, all of Russia's prisoners will receive a truly royal gift: an amnesty will be declared for the 600,000 inmates who are serving their sentences in prisons throughout the country. Around 185,000 people will leave prison as soon as the President signs the amnesty.

That's roughly 1 in 4 released on May 7, some of the rest will be released later.

Even offenders who have been sentenced to "life" will benefit from the amnesty: their sentences will be reduced. Prisoners behind bars for sexual crimes, rape, negligent infliction of grievous bodily harm, robbery and car theft will be "reduced" to 5 years. Criminals who committed petty theft and theft and caused death by negligence will be "written off" for 3 years each.

The May 7 amnesty will not affect only people who have committed serious criminal offenses, such as murder. Drug dealers will also not be affected by the amnesty.


Cold summer of '53, new season, only in Russia.

what does it mean

On 7 May, to mark the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation, all of Russia's prisoners will receive a truly royal gift: an amnesty will be declared for the 600,000 inmates who are serving their sentences in prisons throughout the country. Around 185,000 people will leave prison as soon as the President signs the amnesty.

That's roughly 1 in 4 released on May 7, some of the rest will be released later.

Even offenders who have been sentenced to "life" will benefit from the amnesty: their sentences will be reduced. Prisoners behind bars for sexual crimes, rape, negligent infliction of grievous bodily harm, robbery and car theft will be "reduced" to 5 years. Criminals who committed petty theft and theft and caused death by negligence will be "written off" for 3 years each.

The May 7 amnesty will not affect only people who have committed serious criminal offenses, such as murder. Drug dealers will also not be affected by the amnesty.

It's going to be a fun summer.
It's going to be a fun summer.

I do not understand why?!?

The employment market is more or less balanced, there is no work for them, that is, even with the thought "maybe I should quit," people are doomed to go on the high road, in one capacity or another.


The only thing that comes to mind is that the amnestied will remember very well who gave them their freedom

and manipulating them through oversight won't be a problem.