Interesting and Humour - page 8


There are three eggs in the nest, starting tomorrow or so.

Iowa, bald eagle.

What's she feeding on? And where's the husband eagle, I don't know.

" ... The incubation period is 34-38 days[7] and the female incubates most of the time, although the male occasionally replaces her. The chicks hatch in the same order as the eggs were laid, so are noticeably different in size. The newly hatched chicks are covered with down and helpless; for the first two to three weeks one of the parents is constantly in the nest - mostly by the female, while the male is engaged in foraging. The chicks compete with each other for access to food, and often the younger ones starve to death. At about six weeks of age, they learn to tear bits of food and jump from branch to branch, and after 9-14 weeks they make their first flight[32]. After learning to fly, the chicks spend another 2-10 weeks close to their parents, after which they disperse...."


What is she eating? And where is the screaming husband, I don't know.

She eats anything that moves(

The male is not supposed to be in the nest, the nest is only for incubation.


Eats anything that moves(

The male is not supposed to be in the nest, the nest is for incubation only.

I looked it up on the wiki, too. She is on the nest all the time, but it's not clear about the feeding during incubation. And you have to drink something more often than you eat. They took out the google map of the place. People must have gone to see the place.
I looked it up on the wiki, too. She's on the nest all the time, it's not clear about feeding during incubation. And you have to drink something, more often than you eat. They took out the google map of the place. People must have gone to see the place.

The females feed themselves, you can leave the eggs for a short time. I have never heard of males feeding females while they are hatching.

О! By the way, there are birds in which the males feed the females while the eggs are incubating.
And how many birds are catching fish, competitors) I have a separate folder on them. I'll post it later.