MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester and MQL5 Cloud Network - page 6

I don't know if there are plans for the principle of calculating working time in agents, but I think we should focus on the work of "free" agents.

They need to make on the principle of rating system, as in torrent (emule or other)-networks.

That is, you use other people's CPU time if you let your own machine be used. In other words, instead of "money" points, virtual points are awarded, which are then spent in the same way. You will have two accounting systems - one paid, one free. But with the same principle of calculation.

If paid you can refill at their own expense, that is, buying CPU time, the free you can earn only distributing from your machine.

This will cut off lovers of a quick freeloader, attract constant "dispensers" and distribute the load.


A good idea, by the way.

There will always be plenty of paid CPU time, but there won't always be those willing to use it. And it's easy to swap, there will be enough people willing to give up their laptops for the bite.

Just come up with some kind of coefficient to charge a fee, like "one hour of giving out = 50 minutes of receiving".


...instead of "cash" points, award virtual points...

What about interest on the actual use of the service for MQ? Is it also "virtual"?
I don't know if there are plans for the principle of calculating time in agents, but I think we should focus on the work of "free" agents.

They need to make on the principle of rating system, as in torrent (emule or other)-networks.

That is, you use other people's CPU time if you let your own machine be used. In other words, instead of "money" points, virtual points are awarded, which are then spent in the same way. You will have two accounting systems - one for a fee and one for free. But with the same principle of calculation.

If paid you can refill at their own expense, that is, buying CPU time, the free you can earn only distributing from your machine.

This will cut off lovers of a quick freeloader, attract constant "dispensers" and distribute the load.

What's the point?
You take money to distribute, and then you spend that money as a rating.
Why two bikes?
What is the point?
You take for the money you give away, and then the money you spend as a rating.
Why two bikes?

I understand your question. But there is one thing - the vast majority will still want to get the money, giving away prots, rather than giving away money. But there is not enough money for everyone at once, so you can conduct optimization yourself. So you have to separate the flies from the cutlets, the paid from the free.

Two, because MQ initially do two. Paid and free (I hope it will be separate, otherwise there will be a big fraud by MQ).

So it is necessary to give free takers the opportunity to receive traffic only from those who give for free. And the fee-payers should receive traffic only from the fee-payers. That everything would be fair.If you buy it, then you have to give it to your group. This is the main principle of all closed systems.

Although as I said, in this situation MQ may not do so and pocket big profits.
For example, a certain payer has given money to his account. But MQ starts to give him only those who have provided their services for free. But the payer does not know that he is being scammed for free and gives his money as a service. In this situation all profits go to MQ, because the seller of the processor time did not want to charge for it.

You and I, of course, have no control over this process. Whatever MQ wants to do, it will do. They have the cloud at their disposal, and therefore the money too :) here we must pay tribute to the management of MQ :)

But I still want to focus not on the money scheme, but on the fact that free people have to constantly maintain their given traffic, accumulating points. And then spend these points for their needs. That is, there will be no direct investment of money from outside. And these points-money will be earned within the closed system. These points are made only in order to cut off the excessive load on the free payers, otherwise everyone will be attracted to the network and the owners of free payers will be fooled, and they will join the paying group, and this is not desirable, as the network size will decrease in one group and will increase in the other.

I don't want to explain these hackneyed principles at length, I think you're all familiar with the principles of torrent networks and distribution of files in these systems.


It all depends on the price per pass (time, etc.) and who will set the pricing...
If the price is set by MQ, there may be a shortage of money, although again it depends on the price.
But if the price is set by the owner of the agent, then everything will be self-regulating.

I would like to ask the developers: will the machine time be converted to money and back without any losses or is there a loss ratio?

I mean, for example, if I gave a machine to the cloud and it made 10G operations for the cloud. Will I be able to get 10G operations from the cloud with the money I get?

But if the price will be set by the owner of the agent, then everything will be self-regulating.

yep, just like here: , a programmer must write codes for a bottle of vodka, and the codes must be profitable, at least in the tester

or papermen (no offence intended) write articles for Metakvot for handsome fees


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yep, just like here: , a programmer must write codes for a bottle of vodka, and the codes must be profitable, at least in the tester

or papermen (no offence intended) write articles for Metakvot for handsome fees


Well I wouldn't say the fee for the article I'm about to write is too high.
I would have earned more with less brainpower and freelance, but really wanted to dig :)
Although there are some articles that don't come close to the $200 price tag, in my opinion... But maybe someone will find them very useful, everyone has a different level :)
So once in a while there is no such thing as once for all :)

I would like to ask the developers: will the machine time be converted to money and back without any losses or is there a loss ratio?

I mean, for example, if I gave a machine to the cloud and it made 10G operations for the cloud. Will I be able to get 10G operations from the cloud with the money I get?

yes. i support the question.
this could partially solve the problem of group conversion.