Multi-core testing network for all comers - page 19


Replenishment of agents


It's very handy.

Thanks to colleagues, especially Jager!

P.S. Networks rule the world :-))


Can you tell me how to use this thing (MQL5 Cloud Network)?

1. Mostly whist is busy sometimes failed. Sometimes, when it still slips, it returns an error like can not initialize Expert Advisor - even though Expert Advisor is optimized locally.

2. In this case, when it still slips, optimisation hangs, i.e. local EA stops to calculate and as a result, some red values are obtained.


This is a slightly different topic. Go here

The price has been discussed there, now the problems are being discussed :)

Публичное обсуждение формулы расчета стоимости ресурсов в MQL5 Cloud Network
Публичное обсуждение формулы расчета стоимости ресурсов в MQL5 Cloud Network
Публичное обсуждение формулы расчета стоимости ресурсов в MQL5 Cloud Network.


2. When optimization slips, it hangs up, i.e. the local ones stop calculating and end up with some red values.

  • If the optimization line has a red background, it means that there was an error during the work of the Expert Advisor. The corresponding entry is also printed to the tester log ("tested with error").
So is the network growing or is it all dead?
Is the network growing or is it dead?
You can see the statistics here:
Статистика - MQL5 Cloud Network
Статистика - MQL5 Cloud Network
Произведенный объем работы, распределение агентов по странам, RAM, CPU и битности OS
You can see the statistics here:
yes I mean private, not Cloud, the password does not match the archive......
Is the network still working?