Suggestions for improving the MetaEditor - page 2

No way, you don't have to.
Sometimes you do, which is why you need an on/off tick
formatting the styler (the developers have promised to do this and have even started collecting formatting requirements)
Вот это стиль! :) - MQL4 форум
Вот это стиль! :) - MQL4 форум
Cut from Visual C++

Is it really that difficult to make the function-based collapsing of strings like in Visual C++?
It's a real convenience, isn't it? It would be better to add this gimmick rather than line numbering.
And for those who find it a nuisance, they could make this function to be disabled/enabled...
I'm sure that this convenience is waiting for a huge mass of people, and a huge bow will be given by many...

make a function-based collapsing of strings like in Visual C?


...make the function-based collapsing of strings like in Visual C?
It's a real convenience, isn't it? It would be better to add this gimmick, rather than line numbering.
And for those who find it a nuisance - you can make this function switchable / switchable...
I'm sure that this convenience is waiting for a huge mass of people, and a huge bow will come from many ...

Yes, it's a handy thing.
Is it really that difficult to make a function-by-function collapse of strings like in Visual C?

It's a real convenience, isn't it? It would be better to add this feature rather than line numbering.
And those who are bothered by it - you can make the function switchable/enable ...
I'm sure that this convenience is waiting for a huge mass of people, and a huge bow will come from many ...

I would like to have such a thing, optionally of course.

I'm very supportive of folding too! And don't make it optional, let it be permanent!

And, generally speaking, you have to admit that the editor is cheesy, in today's times.

For example, you can't do a search/replacement in the highlighted part.

You can't print the highlighted part.

The mouse wheel for page turning does not work in the preview, you have to press the Next page button.

Highlighting an array of lines with the mouse is embarrassing:

you put the mouse on the page numbers, press the mouse button and drag the mouse down, the lines are highlighted.

As soon as the mouse reaches the horizontal scrollbar (to select the rows below), it immediately scrolls to the beginning of the listing, and the selection is made from the beginning to the current position.

Of course, I've got used to it - I must move mouse a bit to the left to avoid hitting the horizontal scrollbar, but you must agree it's not right! :)

After all, there are a lot of decent editors (such as Notepad++), maybe take them as a basis?


I'm very supportive of folding too! And don't make it optional, let it be permanent!

Optionality is necessary, IMHO.

The styler, on the other hand, is unnecessary in my opinion!

I don't understand the purpose of its existence - just write the code as you need it, and that's it!

I tried it once, that ugly dog rewrote everything his way and it took me half an hour to restore everything :(

Why do I need it at all? Is it necessary to format other people's listings for yourself?


The styler, on the other hand, is unnecessary in my opinion!

I don't understand the purpose of its existence - just write the code as you need it, and that's it!

Once I tried it once, this ugly dog rewrote everything his own way and it took me half an hour to restore everything :(

Why do we need it at all? To make someone else's listings for themselves or what?

Programmers are usually surprised and disbelieved when they learn that they write code for other people. And other people read this very code.

Also programmers who don't work in teams are not aware of the fact that there must always be a single style. It doesn't matter which one, as long as there is one.