Iron tips - page 6


I'll have to build the original power supply. Once I get started, I'll get one thing, another... protection, decoupling, and I'll be an electronic engineer in no time. I'm not inspired. Why is it that all home appliances (TV, gas boiler, all imported) withstand such surges easily, but the computer is so delicate?

Not easy at all. Maybe in your case, for example, standard solutions from the same APC will be enough.

Only here we need to consider - a simple filter, Chinese-made (or whatever), like "PILOT" is 150 rubles, but the filter from APC 800 rubles (both have five outlets).

Believe me there is a difference and APC products are worth their money.


They both have five outlets. Soon we'll start quoting ourselves (JUMP.) Still, I found it easier to give a tenner than to get into such thickets ...

Check out APC equipment.

There's a good service to find everything you need.

In this case, as I understand it, you need to use the sections"UPS" and"Surge Protection".


If you can not find everything you need, you can contact support, they will advise how to solve the problem simply and efficiently.


No need to chew, the fact is the laptop works, and the stationary is twitching. If there are no simple solutions, the solution is not easy. Just haven't really dealt with it yet. Thanks. For your participation!

It may still be a matter of the power supply on the system itself. It's quite possible that a normal power supply reacted very differently in a similar situation.

Few people think about it, but the choice of power supply (as I wrote here) for importance in the system is the third place after the CPU and the motherboard (though for those who provide reliable operation unit is just the first).

An unsuitable power supply, even under fairly normal conditions, can cause your PC to freeze, reboot automatically, RAM and HDD problems. There are many more tricky symptoms and consequences of using "OWN" solutions with a budget bias...


He is, I confirm. Soon we'll be quoting ourselves (just kidding.) Still, I'd rather give a tenner than get into this kind of trouble ...

No ! I have not waited and saved up 5 months for nothing just to give it away.

At the moment I'm studyinghints on computer hardware to get the hang of it and not to feel like a total dummie.

Dear Guru, are there any other interesting sites worth paying attention to.

Speaking of challenges.

AFTER YOUR TIPS I need a Laptop for programming and nothing else.

A desktop exclusively for MTS .

Accordingly UPS and STABILIZATOR to it.

I plan to buy a relatively good laptop with 2 cores and as big screen as possible.

Saving up and buying the rest later.

Thanks for the interest in the topic.

Can you advise me what to look out for in laptops. The question price is 25000 - 28000 rubles.


No! I have not waited and saved up for 5 months for nothing.

At the moment I am studyingComputer Parts Selection Tips to get the hang of it and not to feel like a total dummie here.

Dear Guru, are there any other interesting sites worth paying attention to.

Speaking of challenges.

AFTER YOUR TIPS I need a Laptop for programming and nothing else.

A desktop exclusively for MTS .

Accordingly UPS and STABILIZATOR to it.

I plan to buy a relatively good laptop with 2 cores and as big screen as possible.

Saving up and buying the rest later.

Thanks for the interest in the topic.

Can you advise me what to look out for in a notebook. The question price is 25000 - 28000 rubles.

Want to give you advice about the stationary?
If you want MTS, then rent a VPS (virtual server in the data centre), will be more reliable)).
And buy a normal laptop)).


Thank you all for your kind attention to my topic.

Advise what to look out for in laptops. Price of a question 25000 - 28000 rub.

A laptop for 28 can be taken and a 4-core, from budget acer, not to overpay for the pont))
And better yet with an AMD processor.

If you will not play in the toys, take a notebook with an integrated graphics card.



that's the most important thing.

you can't do anything with a 10 inch beech

i have a 17 inch laptop + 22 monitors

I agree that the emphasis should be on the monitor, processor, memory. Of course, you also need a UPS. But better big monitor two or three not so big. Most graphics cards support 2 monitors. There are videos for three monitors and for six monitors. For four, personally, I don't know. Certainly there are 4 outputs, but when you connect three monitors and, for example, TV (or one more monitor) through HDMI, one of three monitors is switched off. So it actually only works with three monitors. At the moment, I use 2 monitors myself: ASUS VW266H (25.5") and ASUS VH232T (23"). Very comfortable. Better of course three. The advantage of 26" over 23" is additional 120 pixels vertically (1920x1080 vs 1920x1200). That is the reason why I bought it. However, for the same price you can get two 23" monitors. The power supply in my system is 650W and sometimes, with the monitors and the computer turned on, at the moments when the power goes out, Ipon 600pro fails and the computer simply reboots. I will change the UPS, and it will be of course APC. For as long as I can remember it has been the leader. About the hard drives. Right now I have hitachi 1000Gb separate physical drive and two Western Digital (Green) 1500Gb RAID 0 hard drives. Rade speed is amazing, very happy with it.

A laptop for 28 can also be a 4-core, from budget acer, so as not to overpay for ponte))

If you will not play toys, take a laptop with an integrated video card.

Pontus is not the point ))))

Can you elaborate on the VPS.

Do you want my advice on desktop?
If you want MTS, rent a VPS (virtual server in the data centre), it will be more reliable)))
And buy yourself a normal laptop)))
Certainly an interesting move, but not always acceptable...

A laptop for 28 can also be a 4-core, from budget acer, so as not to overpay for the ponce)).
And even better with an AMD processor.

If you will not play games, take a notebook with integrated graphics card.

For a laptop and 2 cores, is quite enough. And I personally will choose among manufacturers the same Acer in the last turn (the cheapest is not good, and as we know cheese is free only in mousetraps).
I agree that the focus should be on monitor, processor, memory. Of course also UPS. But two or three not so big monitors are better than a big one.
I agree, two monitors is better. But here it all comes down to money

Pontus tu is not appropriate ))))

Can you tell me more about VPS.

Look for some hosting provider with VPS with windows server, then install your terminal on it, run it and sleep in peace, electricity and internet problems will only stay in your dreams.
Technically, you will be allocated a chunk of CPU time, memory and disk.

I think it will cost in the range, 600-1500 rubles per month, it is better to take abroad. :)

VPS — Википедия
Типы хостинга VPS (англ.  ) или VDS (англ.  ) — услуга, в рамках которой пользователю предоставляется так называемый Виртуальный выделенный сервер. В плане управления операционной системой по большей части она соответствует физическому выделенному серверу. В частности: root-доступ, собственные IP-адреса, порты, правила фильтрования и таблицы...
For a laptop and 2 cores, it is quite enough. And among manufacturers I personally will choose the same Acer in the last place (cheap is not good, and as we know cheese is free only in mousetraps).
If you take it as the only option, it's better to have 4))
At a glance
Of course it's interesting but not always acceptable...
For a laptop and 2 cores are enough. And I personally will choose among manufacturers the Acer in the last turn (cheap is not good, and as we know, the cheese is free only in mousetraps).

A year ago I bought a laptop of a previously unknown brand, I'm quite satisfied with its performance, the only drawback is that I took a model with 2 USB's and the price was about 20 000 roubles.