Iron tips - page 5


I'll have to build the original power supply. Once I get started, I'll get one thing, another... protection, decoupling, and I'll be an electronic engineer in no time at all. I'm not inspired. Why is it that all home appliances (TV, gas boiler, all imported) can withstand such surges easily, but the computer is such a sissy?

A drop of 0.3 volts in CPU can freeze or reboot.)
The more so RAM is energy-dependent - no voltage, no operating system))

I'll have to build the original power supply. Once I get started, I'll get one thing, another... protection, decoupling, and I'll be an electronic engineer in no time at all. I'm not inspired. Why is it that all home appliances (TV, gas boiler, all imported) can withstand such surges easily, but the computer is such a sissy?

Because the processor clock frequency in computers is very high, so that the stable operation of the system as a whole requires continuous power, and in addition it is filtered very strongly. It would take a long time to write it all down

No need to chew, the fact is the laptop works and the desktop is twitchy. If there are no simple solutions, the solution is not easy. Just haven't really dealt with it yet. Thanks. for your participation!

There are a lot of schemes in the Internet, you should go to some forum of radio amateurs, they will bake you a scheme that the UPS will turn out cooler than any shop.
When I need it, I will solder it myself )).

Unfortunately, the laptop doesn't care about power surges :)

By the way, here's a cool UPS :):

The power supply brick

Speaking of laptops, but really take a laptop, and it will be all the same.

And UPSs often don't respond to a smooth voltage drop, a stabiliser might help a little, but not always.

At the expense of your circuit, high-power diodes and transistors are now worth a lot (and the USSR needs somewhere to unsolder), I doubt that the author, radioelectronic engineer with experience, otherwise burn your computer. :)

A man who does not know the difference between the diode and the resistor, you can solder this for a month, and not the fact that it will work :)
Then it is easier to buy a UPS, such as for ATMs, they come with a stabilizer and batteries.

What is there to think about? As far as I know, APC has a lot of solutions for this, from surge protectors to server UPSs.

Another question is how much it will cost, but there, as they say, it all depends on the problem to be solved.

And all that is not in APC (proprietary solutions) you can see on the net how to hook up or order from a pro.

There are a lot of solutions with the same car batteries and diesel generators...


No need to chew, the fact is the laptop works and the desktop is twitchy. If there are no simple solutions, the solution is not easy. Just haven't really dealt with it yet. Thanks. for your participation!

The only quick thing to try and do is if the spikes are very brief, less than a second, then you could try soldering a bigger electrolytic capacitor from 5000μF into the PSU (after the voltage drop), it would help smooth out the spikes.

No need to chew, the fact is the laptop works and the desktop is twitchy. If there are no simple solutions, the solution is not easy. Just haven't really dealt with it yet. Thanks. for your participation!

The difference between a laptop and a stationary computer is different from the so-called UPS that the laptop is powered by a DC battery, and the battery backup comes from the mains, while most UPS switch power to the battery, at this point and there is a power surge, which is very difficult to filter, as someone here has already written that there are UPSs that output voltage from the battery and not switch it in case of voltage loss, but they are much more expensive than conventional UPS.
The difference between a laptop and a desktop computer is the difference from the so-called UPS that the laptop is powered from a DC battery, and the battery is recharged from the mains, and most UPS switch power to the battery, at which point there is a power surge, which is very difficult to filter, as someone here already wrote that there are UPSs that output voltage from the battery and not switch it in case of voltage loss, but they are much more expensive than conventional UPSs.
That's what he wrote ;)


that's the most important thing.

you can't do anything with a 10 inch beech

i have a 17 inch laptop + 22 monitor

I'm not complaining.

I use one to write the code on the other.

That's how I learned to program.

i already know about 10 syntaxes

on 10 inches you don't have enough to open the help + editor + terminal.

but if i were you i'd get a desktop computer with water jet.

The markets require an informed decision.

The markets require a decision to be rational and comfortable.

a year ago i was wondering what to get too, i got a toshiba satego laptop

now i would probably go for a desktop with a vidya for 4 monitors.

I had to buy and modify the cooling system.

I would have gone for the big monitor and a powerful processor!

I don't really think the Beech is just for show.

The only thing you can do with it is to listen to music and check your e-mail.

1. About the netbook

Fixed always can be tweaked, that at the expense of what to take a netbook or a laptop worth thinking.

Here a man proceeds from the financial resources which have to be spent first.

At our prices for example a decent netbook can be taken for 10 rubles, notebook at least some 10-14 (which is 15.6 "), and here's a laptop with two cores and a panel at 17 " will cost already 25-30 ...

2. Regarding the desktop - If a person needs mobility (as an additional option), for example, it's going from work or even where else to monitor the auction (and maybe even trade) is one thing, but if he just put on a stationary MTS and forget about the auction for a certain time is something else.

3. About monitors. Viewer for 4 monitors? What kind of device is it, if it's not a secret?

For desktop, I personally would have taken two 19 " moitora (or rather first one, and then bought the second if desired)...

4. Visions, laptops are good of course, first you need to understand what is the task of the day and what moments and ways to solve them should be a priority.

And you have to choose carefully the hardware which you take for a long term, the hardware which is difficult to change later and which will influence reliability of your work.

For example:

a) If it comes to a laptop or netbook should first be defined they need or not, then they will pull the work that is expected of them or not, only then comes the question of the manufacturer and the specific model of the unit. Here we have to take into account that the laptop or netbook is taken for a long enough time and their upgrade will later become a problem (if something happens).

The same can be said about the UPS, three years it must work at least. Almost the same can be said for a monitor.

b) If we are talking about a system unit, the most important things will be motherboard, CPU (with cooling system), power supply unit. Exactly in this order.

The question with HDD, RAM, video and other extras will be secondary. Though there is something to think about.


He is, I confirm. Soon we'll be quoting ourselves (JUDGING.) Still, I'd rather give a tenner than get into such thick and thin ...