The future of automated trading - page 13


Для R2 - открытие Buy 1,2500, взаимоотменяемые ордера на 1,27 (Sell) и 1,22 (Buy).
Для MT4 - открытие Buy 1,2500 с TP на 1,27 + ордер на доливку по цене 1,22 (Buy).
Для MT5 - открытие Buy 1,2500 с TP на 1,27 + ордер на доливку по цене 1,22 (Buy).
Допустим что была выполнена доливка, что мы видим в итоге
R2 - Позиция на 0,20 (20 000) примерно по цене 1,2355 (при наличии просадки на 155 пипсов)
MT4 - позиция "а" на 0,10 по 1,25 + позиция "б" на 0,10 по 1,22 (при этом БУ будет примерно на 1,2355 и убыток по первой позе в 300 пипсов)
MT5 - позиция на 0,20 по цене примерно 1,2355 (при наличии просадки на 155 пупсов)
Теперь допустим что цена поднялась до 1,23 и вошла во флет в деапозоне 1,23 - 1,2310. Мы решили урезать суммарную позицию по цене 1,2305, что мы видим в итоге
R2 - Урезезается позиция, в результате чего пересчитывается цена открытия. В результате чего цена открытия изменяется, а объем позиции становится равным 0,10 (10 000). Внимание!! НАСКОЛЬКО Я ПОМНЮ РЕЗУЛЬТАТ ПРИ ЭТОМ НЕ ФИКСИРУЕТСЯ!
MT4 - Фиксируется профит по позиции "Б" (105 пипсов). В результате чего остается открытой только позиция "А" с объемом в 0,10 и убытком равным 195 пипс
MT5 (Вимание!!!) - Если я все правильно понимаю то поза урезается до объема 0,10. При этом фиксирутся убыток на закрываемую часть. Насколько я понимаю мы плечим убыток равный 50 пипсам на объем 0,10 + примерно 50 пипсов до выхода оставшегося объема в БУ.

How can the price go up if it remains the same:

Price went down to 1.2500 - bought 0.1

Price went down to 1.2300 - bought 0.1

Then "Price went up to 1.23" (where did it go up, it's at the lowest level - 1.23).

I think I get it. Apparently you don't take into account that the loss also got smaller. If you replace 1.23 with 1.24 then:

MT5 (Vimanie!!!) - If I understand it correctly, the pose is cut to a volume of 0.10. This fixes the loss on the closing part. As far as I understand we shoulder a loss equal to 50 pips on 0.10 volume + approximately 50 pips before the remaining volume in the BU.

Wrong. Because at 1.24 you have neither loss nor profit. As this is the entry price of your position (1.5+1.3=2.8/2=1.4 = 0 profit).

As you can see, there is no mythical pips, but there is a zero profit. Zero is zero in MT4, zero in MT5 and zero in R2!


Maybe you are right. You need to solve your problems yourself. I'll solve them myself, you can be sure of that.

You're making a big fuss over nothing (not a good man)...

It's an interesting topic for once. It was. It's gone, Timbo's gone (

Weird, came to see the future of autotrading and there's a battle over MT5.

I'll wave my sword as well...

The issue is settled, MT4 will live on... for a while. But gradually MT5 will take its place. How long will the transition period take? Only MQ knows.

MT4 will live as long as the developments associated with it will not lose their relevance. MT5 functionality and service around MT5 will expand, with MT4 now there will be no such thing.

Of course, there will still be some traders who will work on MT4. It is their right.


How can the price go up if it remains the same:

Price went down to 1.2500 - bought 0.1

Price went down to 1.2300 - bought 0.1

Then "Price went up to 1.23" (where did it go up, it's at the lowest level - 1.23).

I think I get it. Apparently you don't take into account that the loss also got smaller. If you replace 1.23 with 1.24 then:

Wrong. Because at 1.24 you have neither loss nor profit. As this is the entry price to your position (1.5 +1.3 = 2.8/2 = 1.4 = 0 profit).

As you can see, there is no mythical pips, but there is a zero profit. Zero is zero in MT4, zero in MT5 and zero in R2!

Probably, I made a mistake in my description, I will correct it now. The situation is as follows.

We bought 1.25. We added 1.22. What dosed was discounted (cut by 1.2305). At the same time BU was roughly 1.2355.

This is in two words.


I.e. we are talking about trimming (otherwise flipping) unprofitable positions...


Just checked. In my description of the situation the second time was bought (share) at 1.22 (300 pips below the position). So it is quite normal that it went up by 100 pips and went flat (after which we cut it down for various reasons).

But the situation is what we have and realization of TS is my problem...


But the situation is what it is, and the TC's implementation is my problem...

I guess I agree. Not every TS from MT4 fits easily into MT5. Or not at all. I have such a problem. I hope this is temporary.

Купили - 1,25, Долили 1,22. То что долили скинули (урезали на 1,2305). При этом БУ было грубо на 1,2355.

As a result on MT5 at 1.2355 we have a loss of 40 pips. (105 (1.2305-1.22) points profit and -145 (1.25-1.2355) ). We will have the same thing on any other platform: order A (-145 loss): buy at 1.25 sell at 1.2305, order B (105 profit) buy at 1.22 sell at 1.2355. What your problem is still not clear.


As a result on MT5 at 1.2355 we have a loss of 40 pips. (105 (1.2305-1.22) points profit and -145 (1.25-1.2355) ). We will have the same thing on any other platform: order A (-145 loss): buy at 1.25 sell at 1.2305, order B (105 profit) buy at 1.22 sell at 1.2355. What your problem is still not clear.

What will happen after closing the share volume (Buy 0.10 of 1.22) on the MT4 and MT5?

And we will have the following: MT4 - 105 pips profit (1.2305 - 1.22), MT5 - 50 pips loss (1.2355 - 1.2305)


We are talking about trimming a LOSSING position. In this case the result will obviously be different.

I certainly understand that everything is different in NETTAG trading, maybe fix the result on the fact of operation is also correct.

But how happy would DC be if I cut or reverse position with 10% volume or more. On MT4 they probably wouldn't dream about such a happiness...

I would agree. Not every tester in MT4 easily fits into MT5. Or maybe not at all. I have such a problem. I hope it's only temporary.
It will be possible to put almost everything (most likely the only exception will be LOKIs). It will only be a question of overheads....
It will be possible to put almost everything (most likely the only exceptions will be LOCI). It will only be a question of overheads....
What do you mean by overhead?
What do you mean by overhead?

Well things like swaps, commissions, tax and other things are PLANNED and MATHEMATICALLY calculated.

The situation is simple - We have an OPPOSITIVE position of 10%. Reverse it by -50 pips. At the moment of reversal there is a loss (if I understand correctly - 5% of the deposit). This same loss will be additional EXPENSES for my TS.


It means that I can exit a position in different ways, resulting in a series of transactions will have different financial results. This amount could also be a LETTER EXPENDITURE...


Well things like swaps, commissions, tax and other things are PLANNED and MATHEMATICALLY calculated.

The situation is simple - We have a negative 10% position. Reverse it by -50 pips. At the moment of reversal there is a loss (if I understand correctly - 5% of the deposit). This same loss will be additional EXPENSES for my TS.


This implies that I can exit a position in different ways, resulting in a series of transactions will have different financial results. This amount may also be a TAX EXPENSES...

It's a shame if it is. I honestly haven't dealt with the example you gave. But as I understand the difficulties are related to a different trading concept in MT5. Personally, that's what caused me the most difficulties. I seem to have adapted to it now. My overhead, if it can be attributed to overhead, was in writing more cumbersome code. If it hadn't been for the OPP, I would have died.