Debugging the DLL? In MT4 and MT5 - page 8

Don't engage in provocation on our forum. You have been warned.
Well, since I'm going to be banned anyway, answer directly - what I wrote incorrectly. What is the provocation?

Let's see how long it takes you to do it. No need for any surveys, do it, show your class.

I'm not a hacker. I'm not going to do it. Your offer is inappropriate.
You have correctly written that in spite of experience you have made many mistakes... So any current decision is not another mistake ;-). And MQ is not the only one who is engaged in practical software development... And to prove one's professionalism in this area is not very convincing...

We will make many tactical mistakes yet, but our strategic direction has settled - the accumulated experience of working in one direction has had an effect. I have already written about the competitors - they are quite weak-willed.

Also, you forgot to quote an important part:

I have to explain in this way, because I am not going to lecture on how to create information and trading platforms, what is important in this, where the fatal failures are and where success is.

I'm not a hacker. I don't intend to be. Your offer is inappropriate.

And giving out advice and making predictions about things you don't understand is appropriate?!

I get the impression that lockers have been rebranded as defenders of external debugging. :)


...The best thing would really be to make decisions based on open user voting ...

And if such a decision fails, who will compensate for the loss of MQ ? Admiral Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern ? man and steamship ?
Let me express my thoughts too, of course I'm not familiar with DLLs and their charms. And I don't understand why resort to using them. As Renat said, MQ develop the MQL language and try to make it as less as possible to use external DLL, so no debugger is needed. When all code can be written using MQL tools and debugged with their own debugger.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Описание внешних функций
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Описание внешних функций
Основы языка / Функции / Описание внешних функций - Документация по MQL5

Of course you don't have to. The question is why exactly this is something you don't have to and something else you do ;-). The best thing would really be to make decisions based on open user voting, so that everyone can see who needs what functionality and features, and how many such people there are. As long as MQ makes decisions in closed mode and only mentions hypothetical advocates of this or that feature - the validity of decisions is not seen.

What kind of voting (democracy in a commercial project), what do you mean? That's how we will get to the point when everyone will run GAZPROM and CENTRABANK... :)

As a matter of fact, it has already been said many times - no matter how hard MQ tries, it will never be able to create a professional development tool comparable to the real development environments available on the market (you may disagree, but it's a given and your position doesn't change the situation). That's why DLL development would be in demand, and so would debugging. Debugging in some self-written emulator is hardly equal to debugging in a real host application, plus all the costs of its writing are passed on to the user. In this sense, for someone it would be more convenient (how many of them we'll probably never know ;-)) not to have MQL layer, and MQ provide some client API which is available "directly" for integration with external programs.

I think if MQ was developing a mythical "universal" development environment, they probably would have allowed debugging and DLL's and writing viruses, maybe they could allow something else, but they, as it was stated more than once, are developing a trading platform with a SAFE code execution environment...
You wrote correctly that in spite of experience you made a lot of mistakes... So any current decision is not another mistake ;-). And MQ is not the only one who is engaged in practical software development... And to prove one's professionalism in this field is not very convincing...

Of course they do, and they acknowledge them - the debugging bug that allowed to create the decompiler for ex4 was acknowledged (and corrected).

And what do you suggest - to step on a rake again?


It's not only MQ, Forex Club does it too. They even have an API (not just for trading). So, all have to switch to R2?


By the way,

Renat 2010.05.08 11:57 2010.05.08 11:57:47
A free MetaTrader 5 Client FIX API will be released by the fall.


Renat 2010.01.01 21:55 2010.01.01 21:55:43
ForexTools   :

P/S/ but all these problems could be avoided if only there was an API (if you can't do it yourself or don't want to bother, leave it to others)... but that's another prohibitionist theme ;)

We will provide public API for trading (only for trading, not for the analysis) as FIX protocol.

Yes, a handy MetaTrader 5 FIX API will be a must, including out-of-the-box libraries for direct access to trade servers.