Strategy Tester. Millions in five months? - page 8

Have I got that right?
Yes correct, but the fairway will start on the 03rd. Or rather the test will end on 01 23:59 and the fairway will start on 02 00:00, a little forgotten.
Yeah right, but the fairway will be from the 03rd. Or more accurately the test will end on 01 23:59 and the fairway will start on 02 00:00, a little forgotten.

Thanks for the reply:) I think if anything one day won't make much difference to the results:)


Don't be surprised by the lack of response. There is a viewpoint on the forum that it is better to try a hundred times than to ask once. Therefore, people who have worked with forward period may not be able to answer a question they know.

I myself have only worked with the forward period once (to try it out), similar to your second option. I have the same understanding of the rules for working with the forward period as you do.

Thanks for the reply, everything seems to make sense there in principle. And as for the forum, I noticed it on MQL4 :)) In general, it's strange that developers are so, to put it mildly, cool to questions about their brainchild:))
Thanks for the reply, everything seems to make sense there. And about the forum, I noticed at MQL4 :)) In general, it's strange that the developers are so, to put it mildly cool to questions about their brainchild:))
When someone knows the subject matter professionally, he is very surprised (and sometimes irritated) that others do not understand such "obvious" things. This applies to everyone without exception (including me).
This applies to everyone without exception (including me).
It certainly doesn't apply to me :) The principle is simple: a thing becomes "obvious" when it is clear not only to you but also to others. But, as they say, you can't argue about principles :)
You see, there is a natural tendency that when someone knows their subject professionally, they are very surprised (and sometimes annoyed) that others don't understand such "obvious" things. This applies to everyone without exception (including me).
I understand everything, I understand it, to be honest I was like that when I worked with banks and borrowers asked in my opinion 'dumb questions', as it seemed to me, I could hardly contain myself in order not to boor them, but my work obliged me:)))
Indicates. Double-click the tester window
Yeah figured it out, it's all there.