Tester: Automated Optimization of a Trading Robot in Real Trading - page 4

Excuse me  ,some body can help me to use this method with MT4 Build 646, thank you. 
MQL4 Comments:

Thanks for the EA, I also edit the address of the Terminal folder and and run the EA it can create the ini file and excel files but the files are empty ! I think we have the version confiliction problem here. Because the Terminal automatically export the result in (*.1) format but EA expected to see it on (*.htm) format, that's why it can not able to read the file and create the empty files.

Can any one solve this issue ? or do we have the new updated one of self optimizer ?   



No "optimise.ini" file gets ever created.

Can someone help me, and explain if I am doing something wrong ?


This is very old version of auto optimization in MT4 ,... many of function is not working ... has any one updated . I am looking for simple auto optimization in MT4 ?

Hello Igor,

Although the article dates back to 2007, it still seems valuable to me.

Having made the necessary adaptations of path names to make it fit with my installation, I succeded in creating and copying the optimise.ini in the tester terminal folder.

Whe trying to start the optimisation however, I get stuck:

The essence of the code looks like this:

string IniFile           = "optimise.ini";
string ReportDestination = "Reports";
string PathToTester      = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader - ActivTrades\terminal.exe";
start = ShellExecuteW(0,"Open",PathToTester,IniFile,ReportDestination,3);

Note that I am using ShellExecuteW.

Note that there are spaces in PathToTester.

The result is that the tester terminal starts, but it does not run the optimiser.

What could possibly be wrong?

In addition: from the command line:

terminal.exe /config:optimise.ini

doesn't work either.

Thank you so much for the work in the past and possibly your response!


This excellent article is helpful to me.

I am not sure if there is a way to launch the test-terminal once and conduct the tests of various pairs and periods. The test terminal cannot be launched reliably everytime.

Best Wishes,