Errors, bugs, questions - page 92


Another question

"number in the list of positions" what is this number?

1. Getting the number of positions usingPositionsTotal()

2. In the loop we bypass the entire list of positions


1. Get the number of positions usingPositionsTotal()

2. Loop through the entire list of positions

It's ok, I just started with 1 in the loop). What about the first question, is it a bug?
It's OK, I just started with 1 in the loop). Then what about the first question is a bug?
Yeah, we'll fix it.
Yes, we will.
Thank you. (chuckles) I was beginning to think I was being a bit of a handyman again...

The tester does not always calculate the absolute drawdown correctly. Here is an example from the report of the competition EA after checking on the Championship website:

Balance Drawdown:
Balance Drawdown Absolute: 3 607.43 Balance Drawdown Maximal: 8 391.49 (35.17%) Balance Drawdown Relative: 35.17% (8 391.49)
Equity Drawdown:
Equity Drawdown Absolute: 3 662.21 Equity Drawdown Maximal: 6 811.99 (26.43%) Equity Drawdown Relative: 26.43% (6 811.99)

Although from the balance graph it is clear to the naked eye that the drawdown is more than 20,000 at the end of the test, as from the trades report:

The same was observed during local testing (sometimes). At error the absolute and relative drawdown on balance and on funds are equal.

bool  PositionSelect(
   string  symbol     // имя инструмента

"....Failure to execute the function by timeout will generate error 4757. In this case it is necessary to repeat the request after a short period of time (5-10 seconds). ...."

Is this under what conditions, is there a position or is there no position?


"....Failure to execute the function by timeout will generate error 4757. In this case it is necessary to repeat the request after a short period of time (5-10 seconds). ...."

Is this under what conditions, is there a position or is there no position?

For example, when there is a loss of connection with the trade server and subsequent synchronisation after reconnection.

Now when there is no position there is also an exit by timeout of 3 seconds. We have figured this out and will fix it.


For example, when the connection to the trade server is lost and then synchronised after reconnection.

Now when there is no position there is also an exit by timeout of 3 seconds. We have figured this out and will fix it.

Will it be fixed by next build? It's really very much needed...
Then what about the first question is a bug?
Thanks for the message, the feature inliner bug has been fixed.

Hello. I am running the example from MQL5 documentation: I get an image with some part of spread history missing. Please, tell me what is wrong.

And one more question. What exactly is stored in the history: spreads at the close of a candle, the average value of spread for a candle, or something else?

Thank you!

Документация по MQL5: Доступ к таймсериям и индикаторам / CopySpread
Документация по MQL5: Доступ к таймсериям и индикаторам / CopySpread
Доступ к таймсериям и индикаторам / CopySpread - Документация по MQL5
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