Errors, bugs, questions - page 360


Thanks to everyone who helped us sort out the servicedesk.

You would stimulate the desire to describe the bugs... You know what I mean...
You would stimulate a desire to describe the bugs... You know what I'm talking about...
By all means

Good afternoon.

Can you tell me how to understand the quality of modelling in the tester, from which date and from where the quotes history is taken, and most importantly: how to understand that there is no incorrect data?

Thank you


Good afternoon.

Can you please tell me how to understand the quality of modelling in the tester, from which date and where the quotes history is taken and most importantly: how to understand that there is no incorrect data?

Thank you

If you have a Trader, you cannot change it. You cannot change it, terminal will tightly control everything.
If you do not know whether it will ever appear. The history is loaded in the form of minute bars from a brokerage company's server. You cannot change it, terminal controls everything.

Yes, there are disadvantages - no blocking, no visualization of the test, no fixing the history of ticks (sometimes up to the sky)

and so on and so forth, but if it were not for the pluses which outweigh all this many times over,

How to see 3D visualizationof testresults? :-)


Yes, there are disadvantages - no blocking, no visualization of the test, no fixing the history of ticks (sometimes up to the sky)

and so on and so forth, but if it were not for the pluses which outweigh all this many times over,

as the 3D visualisation of the test results appeared. :-)

the test visualisation will come later, it should...

About the history, it's up to the broker.

#include <Trade\AccountInfo.mqh>
CAccountInfo myaccount;

static double history[];
static int Tick;
void OnTick()

2011.04.12 19:57:49 Core 1 2010.12.01 00:00:00 Array out of range in 'simple.mq5' (19,5)

I want to write the balance state on every tick, but I can't understand where I am going wrong.


I want to record the balance states on every tick, but I can't figure out where I'm going wrong.

Would it not work like this?


Would it not work like this?


2011.04.12 19:57:49 Core 1 2010.12.01 00:00:00 Array out of range in 'simple.mq5' (19,5)

I want to write the balance states on every tick, but I can't understand where I'm going.

And who will resize the array?
