Errors, bugs, questions - page 2852

Artyom Trishkin:

For me, it's a big deal - my eyes get tired when there's not everything in front of them, and it's hard to read with my head.

It's even more difficult if the subject is on two lines. Changing the font is more usable.

Denis Kirichenko:

It's been around for a while now. AdblockPlus.

I set up my page so that I only see what I need to see.

Blockers are usually dealt with by hiding certain popular features of the site, I think this will happen here too. Although yes, so far adblock works here without any problems.

Alexey Viktorov:
In red not read/viewed. In blue 'read'

ps; I see where you don't see the highlighting. Go to the forum and don't go back to the main page of the site.

A separate forum page is not convenient as several forum sections are shown there separately.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Blockers are usually dealt with by hiding certain popular features of the site, I think this will happen here too. Although, yes, as long as adblock works here, there are no problems.

They struggle to get people to see ads, what kind of ads? Who doesn't need sections hidden, the site is not in spam blocker filters and is unlikely to be

I have hidden sections but I can see full versions of the site on my tablet and I won't miss anything


cutting the section of the forum with a 1-page of course the trouble, before the avatar and the number of pages could identify flood litter and other uninteresting threads, now you have to read a bunch of headers, in this form it became less attractive. and this is a plus - more time to work will be)

Artyom Trishkin:

It's already a big deal for me - my eyes get tired when there's not everything in front of them, and it's hard to read with my head.

:))) I didn't know you had glass eyes.........


These are the wonders of working on two monitors with different resolutions.

IntelliSense prompts are not visible at all

Objects are not deleted from the chart with the ObjectDelete(...) function when the market is closed.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Objects are not deleted from the chart using the ObjectDelete(...) function when the market is closed.

Are you calling ChartRedraw()? Maybe it just doesn't update the image unless the prices change.


Please mark the read topics in this area somehow.

Since the redesign, this has not happened.


Please mark the read topics in this area somehow.

Since the redesign, this has not happened.
