Errors, bugs, questions - page 2807


What's there to understand? The portable works without installation. As many copies of the root directory, so many independent programs.
The question was about the /portable key, why is it needed now?
Previously, this was needed because all the configs, sources, binaries, etc. were inAppData. And they had to be copied into the root of the terminal.
Now they are all in the root of the terminal by default! And inAppData only the associated files, updates, help, marketplace pictures, etc.
Explain, simply, should this key be specified in the shortcut or not. And what does it do in this case, if all working files are in the root by default!

Copy the root and move it anywhere.AppData will still be pulled up after launch.

The /portable key is needed to make the terminal and editor work as portable versions. That is, all editor settings and other settings, everything will be stored in the root of this copy of the terminal. And if you remove /portable, it all will be loaded fromAppData. Forexample, in my case if I exclude /portable from properties of the editor icon, my code highlighting theme will disappear, i.e. it will be changed to default one. The root of MQL5 changes to the root from AppData ('AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\0DD..E4C\MQL5'). I still have it in AppData for the installed version of the terminal. Not sure why you have it in the root of the terminal...


What's there to understand? The portable works without installation. As many copies of the root directory as there are independent programs.
The question was about the /portable key, why is it needed now?
Previously, this was needed because all the configs, sources, binaries, etc. were inAppData. And they had to be copied into the root of the terminal.
Now they are all in the root of the terminal by default! And inAppData only the associated files, updates, help, marketplace pictures, etc.
Explain, simply, should this key be specified in the shortcut or not. And what does it do in this case, if all working files are in the root by default!

Copy the root and move it anywhere.AppData will still be pulled up after launch.

You are confused.

The data is still in AppData except in the rare case where permissions are available.

To force writing to your directory, you need /portable.

Mihail Matkovskij:

The /portable key is used to make the terminal and editor work as portable versions. That is, all editor settings and other settings will be stored in the root of this copy of the terminal. And if you remove /portable, it all will be loaded fromAppData. Forexample, in my case if I exclude /portable from properties of the editor icon, my code highlighting theme will disappear, i.e. it will be changed to default one. The root of MQL5 changes to the root from AppData ('AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\0DD..E4C\MQL5'). I still have it in AppData for the installed version of the terminal. I don't know why you have it in the root of the terminal...

Renat Fatkhullin:

You're confused.

The data is still in AppData except in the rare case where permissions are available.

To force write to your directory, you need /portable.

Thanks for the clarification.
But that's the thing, all four installed AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\5D31798C5161164D6BBD3AED4F6BE10B
only contain origin.txt and portable.txt.
In 5D31798C5161164D6BBD3AED4F6BE10B there are no other folders or saves. By default everything is in each of its own terminal root.
Although in the shortcuts I have not set the key. As the installer worked,I did not go into shortcuts andAppData.
That's what's confusing me. It's installed on VirtualBox, account as default user, UAC disabled.

Also, I have disabled all the unnecessary services, logging, etc. with a special configuration bat-nick.
This may be the reason for this behaviour.


Thanks for the clarification.
But the thing is, all four installed AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\5D31798C5161164D6BBD3AED4F6BE10B
contain only origin.txt and portable.txt.
In 5D31798C5161164D6BBD3AED4F6BE10B there are no other folders or saves. By default everything is in each of its own terminal root.
Although in the shortcuts I have not set the key. As the installer worked,I did not go into shortcuts andAppData.
That's what's confusing me. It's installed on VirtualBox, account as default user, UAC disabled.

Also, I have disabled all the unnecessary services, logging, etc. with a special configuration bat-nick.
This may be the reason for this behavior.

Disabled UAC + own directory with full rights is just a rare case of "full rights availability".

So in this state terminal operates locally, checking write access rights to local directory explicitly.

The temporary files common to all terminals are stored in AppData anyway.

Who knows why the chart is standing still and under a different number? What can I do to make the current quotes, dates and the graph "come to life"?
Никита Федоров:
Who knows why the chart is standing still and under a different number? What should be done to show the current values of quotes, dates and the chart will "come alive"?

Probably wait out the weekend when the market is closed and there are no quotes.


But the thing is, all four installed AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\5D31798C5161164D6BBD3AED4F6BE10B
contain only origin.txt and portable.txt.

I've never noticed these files in my terminal working directory before, as I use the portable version. I wonder what their purpose is? I noticed thatorigin.txt has the path to the portable terminal, but portable.txt is empty.

Mihail Matkovskij:

I've never noticed these files in my terminal's working directory before, as I use the portable version. I wonder what their purpose is? I noticed thatorigin.txt has the path to the portable terminal, but portable.txt is empty.

They're not in the working directory, they're in AppData.
have the same,origin.txt has the path to the local directory, but portable.txt is empty.
But as Renat explained, I have some rare case where the installation works locally, essentially as a portable.
That is, I didn't specify the key in the shortcut, but the terminals still work with the local directories.
That's what confused me.


They are not in the working directory, they are in AppData.
have the same,origin.txt has the path to the local directory, but portable.txt is empty.
But as Renat explained, I have some rare case where the installation works locally, essentially as a portable.
That is, I didn't specify the key in the shortcut, but the terminals still work with the local directories.
That's what confused me.

I meant the working directory of the installed terminal (which is in AppData), not the portable one.


In MQL it's fine:

class A {};
class B : A {};
class C : B {
                void f1( A* ) {}    //(1)нормально
                void f2() { A *a; } //(2)нормально

but C++ gives an error in both cases