Errors, bugs, questions - page 2530

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

So it's real.

imho it's real, but no one will do it

Just for the sake of interest, how long does it take to compile your 30Mb code?

Igor Makanu:

imho realistic, but no one will do it

Just for the sake of interest, how long does it take to compile your 30Mb code ?

2921143 msec elapsed

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

2921143 msec elapsed

Is 2921 seconds 48 minutes?

Igor Makanu:

Is 2921 seconds 48 minutes?


Aleksey Vyazmikin:

EditPad Lite works great with gigabyte files, copying and editing - really liked the utility. Which means it's the real deal. I understand the initial load when you open it, or if you don't work with a tab for a long time, but it's quite difficult to even edit a file now.

Comparison with your finger, EditPad Lite, doesn't even know how to lighten, in my opinion (judging by the pictures). Also, teach it to know/update character names/declaration/announcements, and then watch its speed (yes after screwing in the highlighting alone there will be lags). I often use the lightweight nano editor, it's fast, but it can't do much either, and I can't even think of comparing it to a full-fledged ide.

I don't know where you get such a dislike for include.


Comparison with finger, EditPad Lite, not even able to light, in my opinion (judging by pictures). Also, teach it to know/update character names/declaration/announcements, and then see its speed (yes after screwing in the highlighting alone will be slow). I often use the lightweight nano editor, it's fast, but it can't do much either, and I can't even think of comparing it to a full-fledged ide.

I don't know where you get such a dislike for include.

All highlighting is a one-off action - done and put into memory or cache on disk, I'm not talking about the problem of opening a new document, but of going from tab to tab, even if you don't take the issue of editing.

No disdain from me. And anyway, what's the point of discussing specific code... or should we talk about a specific ideology - code should not be more than 1 megabyte, what's more mode on files and connect, connect and so on.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I have no disdain. And in general, well, what's the point of discussing specific code... or should we talk about a specific ideology - the code should not be more than 1 megabyte, what's more mode on files and plug in, plug out and so on.

Just curious, it's something extraordinary for me, and a metre is a lot. In kilobytes 20-30 fits about 90 percent of the original files (probably a lot, of course), and here as much as 30 meters. Some big dislike of the include.


It's just interesting, for me it's something extraordinary, and a meter is a lot. Percentage of 90 searched files fits in 20-30 kilobytes (maybe it's a lot, of course), and the whole 30 meters is here. Some big dislike to include.

You can have a look in this thread.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

You can have a look in this thread.

Thank you. Yeah, it's a bit of a mess. utf-16 still, everything I come across is single byte (well, or utf-8). Opened via emacs, everything is fast, but I'm even afraid to enable syntax highlighting, I'm pretty sure it will seriously hover.


Thank you. Yes, it's a bit of a mess. utf-16 yet, everything I encounter is single-byte (well, or utf-8). Opened via emacs, everything is fast, but I'm even afraid to enable syntax highlighting, I'm almost sure it will seriously hang.

It's a pity that we didn't even dare to take part in the tests. The topic is interesting in my opinion, as it turns out that different processors cope differently with different tasks, but there are not enough statistics yet.