Errors, bugs, questions - page 2487

@Slavaquestion from here
Ну как нет кнопки? Сверху окна редактирования сообщения ряд кнопок. Там даже подсказка всплывает "Картинка (Alt + I)"

Confirmed, there is no button to load a picture!
Alt+I doesn't help!
Thought I was the only one with this glitch.

Checked in

Linux Debian9 x64
Yandex Browser and Mozilla

Windows7 x64
Chromium and IE

no_button.png  11 kb
@Slavaquestion from here

Confirmed, there is no button to load a picture!
Alt+I doesn't help!
Thought I was the only one with this glitch.

Checked in

Linux Debian9 x64
Yandex Browser and Mozilla

Windows7 x64
Chromium and IE

It's clear that it's supposed to be there, the question is why isn't it displayed for everyone?
Look at my screenshot, I don't have it, not in any of the browsers on different operating systems.
@Slavaquestion from here

Confirmed, no button to upload a picture!
Alt+I does not help!
Thought I was the only one with this glitch.

Checked it on

Linux Debian9 x64
Yandex Browser and Mozilla

Windows7 x64
Chromium and IE

Alexey Viktorov:
It is clear that it should be, the question is why it is not displayed for everyone?
Look at my screenshot, I don't have it in any browser on different operating systems.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems & strategy testing

Any questions for beginners in MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes

Vladimir Karputov, 2019.06.06 16:22

The "young" fighters of the invisible forex front have a new restriction: the "insert image" button is not available until a certain rating threshold.

I haven't checked it myself, maybe it's a joke from the moderators.
Sergey Basov:
Haven't checked it myself, maybe it's a joke from the moderators.

Now I get it ))) Probably not a joke.
Perhaps not all moderators are aware of it )))
That's why it's not clear with this button in the questions.

Sergey Basov:
I haven't checked it myself, maybe it's a joke from the moderators.

Are your slippers still there?


A question for the developers

OHLC на M1
В данном режиме генерируются только тики OHLC минутных баров. Если тиковый объем свечи больше 4, 
то всегда генерируются только цены Open, High, Low и Close. Если тиковый объем меньше 4, то 
применяются правила генерации, описанные выше.

Выбор данного режима не означает что тестирование/оптимизация будет проводиться именно на периоде М1. 
Например, при выборе периода Н1 в режиме "OHLC на M1" цены будут генерироваться на каждом минутном 
баре для значений Open, High, Low и Close. При этом событие OnTick() эксперта будет также запускаться 
четыре раза в минуту — на открытии, закрытии, минимуме и максимуме каждого минутного бара, хотя 
тестирование ведется на H1.

Фактически, цены OHLC присутствуют в исторических данных. Таким образом, при тестировании генерируется 
лишь время прихода тиков Open, High, Low и Close, значения же цен берутся из истории.


При этом событие OnTick() эксперта будет также запускаться 
четыре раза в минуту — на открытии, закрытии, минимуме и максимуме

Is this not a typo? Is this exactly the sequence of feeding (O->C->L->H)?

Why then prints in the tester show sequence O->H->L->C


A question for the developers


Is this not a typo? Is this exactly the sequence of feeding (O->C->L->H)?

Why then prints in the tester show sequence O->H->L->C

This is not a typo, but a simple enumeration

Prints in the tester can give other sequences. O->L->H->C; O->L->C; O->H->C; O->C


This is not a misprint, but a simple enumeration.

Prints in the tester may give other sequences as well. O->L->H->C; O->L->C; O->H->C

Then how do I get these sequences from the previous bar m1?

At the moment I get the values as follows

   double   open=iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),1);
   double   high=iHigh(Symbol(),Period(),1);
   double   low=iLow(Symbol(),Period(),1);
   double   close=iClose(Symbol(),Period(),1);

But the problem is that I don't know what sequence of feeds was at that moment.

Принты в тестере могут давать и другие последовательности. O->L->H->C; O->L->C; O->H->C; O->C; C
Can you tell me how to find out more easily what sequence was produced by the tester on the previous bar in ohcl mode on m1?
Good afternoon. Here is the situation. My mql4 Expert Advisor/Script/indicator/whatever I have written is not attached to a chart window, I want it to stay in a program... like, I will write a useful thing and I don't want it to be attached to new open charts all the time. Something like a service (from MT5), but you need it on MT4.