Errors, bugs, questions - page 2390

Stanislav Sarbey:

this was the task, the programmer writes that everything is working fine, so I ask the support what the reason might be, and there is no support here

If there was an explicit task and it was not fulfilled, then he failed to do his job


I agree with that

Stanislav Sarbey:

there is no support here

The Market is a service for developers, so you need the help of a developer to get your robot tested. Support is available on the forum, but only for those who understand how robots are written from the inside

which forum thread is this exactly? I'll get a programmer on it and have him sort it out there
Stanislav Sarbey:
which branch of the forum is it? I'll put a programmer on it and have him sort it out there

I think he should read this article first, and if there are any questions, you can ask them here

Thanks, I'll be back later if anything
Artyom Trishkin:

How are you going to sell anything on the marketplace with a complete lack of knowledge of English, which is a must for the marketplace?

So what? In my school they taught German... I didn't learn any... As a result I know only Russian, mostly profanity and insults in Armenian and Georgian (verbally).

Nothing... the market lets it pass.

Signed up for signals. But copying doesn't work.
Who has encountered this problem and how has it been solved?

Dear developers, this is not the first time the multi-hour optimisation has been messed up.

Enum variable, in theory Off == 0 On == 1

   Off, // Off
   On   // On
input ENUM_ON_OFF         iNewBar             = On;                         // Trade in the new bar? 

After optimization magic happens, optimizer shows values 64, 199792 and others

I managed to capture the magic in the video 1 minute look please

When I enter Windows 10 standby mode (I don't remember which one, but it is modern and interprise ltsb 1607 (pretty old)) on MT5, the EA stops being attached to the chart, trades stop being executed, but some functions (output of graphic self written window, which is functional) still work. Is this a bug of MT or a problem with the EA? Thank you.