Errors, bugs, questions - page 2273


if it's different on mql, it's wrong.

The discussion is not about right, it's about the alleged error. My opinion is that there is no mistake, this is the way the implementation is designed at the moment.


My opinion is that there is no mistake, this is the way the implementation is conceived at the moment.

then why are you asking about the pluses? a macro is an under-pattern. why even make an analogy between the two?


then why are you asking about the pros?


macro is a sub-template. why even make an analogy between them?

C++ for some reason is cited as the benchmark in this context. Why the understanding of the current implementation of MQL5 does not fit in - I don't know.


yes, this example doesn't compile on the pluses

The basic C++ example compiles without errors

An example like this doesn't compile on C++:

class A;
void OnStart()
        Print( sizeof( A )); //нормально

Because it's an error in itself, but fxsaber will prove that this is in fact correct (this is how MQL was designed), and we don't understand something


C++, for some reason, is cited as the benchmark in this context.

Because the Language Framework says: MQL5 is based on the concept of the widespread C++ programming language...

And besides, ServiceDesk's answer to some of my requests started with "We've checked the behavior of the submitted code in Visual C++...".

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка
Язык MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5) является объектно-ориентированным языком программирования высокого уровня и предназначен для написания автоматических торговых стратегий, пользовательских технических индикаторов для анализа разнообразных финансовых рынков. Он позволяет не только писать разнообразные экспертные системы, предназначенные для...

An example like this does not compile in C++:

Because it's an error in itself, but fxsaber will prove it's actually correct (that's how MQL was designed) and we don't understand something

If MQL5 compiles and executes code that C++ cannot compile, is it a valid claim here that MQL5 does it by mistake?

Let's imagine that this is a language that compiles and executes all the C++ code. Furthermore it also compiles and executes some code that C++ cannot compile. C++ is then obviously a subset of the language in question. It's only logic, without reference to MQL5, specifically.


Basic C++ example compiles without errors

g++ 5.4.0 won't compile. and please show me the name of the output class
g++ 5.4.0 doesn't want to compile. and show plz what the output class is called

Although one would expect(by analogy with) for example this:

void f<g<A,int >::T1>(void)
void f<g<A,double>::T1>(void)

Note here that the __FUNCSIG__ value is auxiliary since it is not part of the standard and does not take part in calculations. The main thing is that the implementation (:16) is correct. Embarcadero C++ gives the same result


No, it's not the signature of the function I'm interested in, it's the class of the internal
g++ 5.4.0 does not want to compile. and please show me the name of the output class

which flags do you include?