Errors, bugs, questions - page 225


To the developers.

Of course it is not directly related to MT5, but it is important for my current project - As I understand, when closing several open "positions" (orders) by one symbol in MT4, the losing orders are processed first?

I.e. if there are 10 open positions (open orders) in MT4, which all will be closed by the server at a certain price, in which order will the closing process take place?


I am specifically interested in the situation with the MT4 server.


this bug has been present since the birth of mt5 and it hasn't been fixed yet =(

If I'm not mistaken, it's a bug on the side of brokerage companies and nobody cares about it, although there are a few brokerage companies with real accounts - this is one of the reasons why I've cooled down to MT5, because I see no point in testing my codes on MT5 accounts

There is also a bug with not drawing the zero bar - only the Ask line shows the current price on the screen

If the stars are lit -
It means that someone needs them.
So somebody wants them to be?
Does that mean someone calls these spitballs
A pearl?

Vladimir Mayakovsky

ZS: Sorry for the quote by Mayakovsky - could not resist, I love this verse

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о счете
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о счете
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о счете - Документация по MQL5

Why is the graph generated so glitchy?

You can see it in the attached screenshot:

- m15 period

- Half of the screen is a daily candlestick, the other half is hourly

This is not a bug in the system, but an organisational problem of the broker who has not uploaded the correct history to their databases.

Connect to our server - all the history there is correct.

and in the picture you can see that the date near the vertical line merges with the scale - neither one is visible

Yes, it should be.

- When will double click on an object to open it's properties like in 4?

Now clicks on objects call OnChartEvent event - priority in processing is given to Expert Advisors.

This is not a bug of the system, but an organizational problem of the broker who did not upload the correct history to their databases.

Connect to our server - all history is correct there.

- draw a bug screenshot from this server?

Yeah, that's how it should be.

- but this is an obvious bug. the use of vertical line turns out to be possible only in the background

now clicks on objects trigger OnChartEvent event - processing priority is given to Expert Advisors.

- i.e. we can forget about the previous functionality or there will be some checkbox to regulate the behaviour?

last but not least:

- in 4 version the hint, when dragging the object, was displayed in the upper right corner, for some reason it was made in the left one - it gets in the way. at first it annoyed me when it was not transparent.

- For some reason, not always, but often when a trend line is attached to a chart or its position is changed, the terminal gets really sluggish... It seems that the farther from the right end of the chart, the more it stalls... i.e. it freezes for a few seconds...

- ...and this line just disappears after changing its position and reappears in a couple of seconds... or you pull the end, release it and it flies off in the middle of nowhere... then it flies back... sometimes...

- It's even funnier when all objects on the chart start flying back and forth... Especially at the beginning, when you open some TF for the first time.

Anyway, so far all my attempts to open Five have ended in disappointment... =(


- draw a bug screen from this server?

Yes, show the bug exactly from MetaQuotes-Demo server, please.
Hello, dear developers. In MKL5 language there is function ArrayMaximum which searches for maximal element in one-dimensional numeric array. What do you think about making a similar function to search for maximal element indexes in a multidimensional array? Truth be told, I need it. Thanks.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Основы языка / Переменные - Документация по MQL5
Hello, dear developers. In MKL5 language there is function ArrayMaximum which searches for maximal element in one-dimensional numeric array. What do you think about making a similar function to search for maximal element indexes in a multidimensional array? Truth be told, I need it. Thank you.
How about implementing it yourself?
Yes, show the error exactly from MetaQuotes-Demo server, please.

Actually the scale shows that the candles are daily on m15

this is november '94... I don't know what time the day candlesticks are from - I just pressed "move to the end of the chart".

How about implementing it yourself?
For the time being, I would have to do that, but in the future, I'm all for the convenience of language - one line, one time, and done.

Actually the scale shows that the candles are daily on m15

this is november '94

1. If I am not mistaken the Eur was officially introduced in 1999.

Obviously it existed experimentally before that, but that is a separate topic.

2. Somewhere (I don't remember where) it was stated that for the championship the story was prepared since 2005...