Errors, bugs, questions - page 2131

Konstantin Nikitin:

I don't know, it works for me. Sounds like you've got a problem.

That's the problem...


That's the problem... is the old repository. And if you have connected a new repository in MetaEditor, then, of course, when you send a file from MetaEditor to the new repository, you will not see it in the old one.


Error when executing Cannot find 'xxx' in 'yyyy.ex5' which is described here

class A {
        virtual int f() = 0;
class B : public A {
        virtual int f() { return 1; }
#include "Test.mqh"
#import "Test2.ex5"
        void g( A * );
void OnStart()
        A *a = new B;
        g( a );
        delete a;
#property library
#include "Test.mqh"
void g( A *a ) export { Print( a.f()); }

Result: Cannot find 'g' in 'Test2.ex5'

Ошибки, баги, вопросы
Ошибки, баги, вопросы
  • 2017.12.05
Общее обсуждение: Ошибки, баги, вопросы
what is the error ? 2018.02.16:01:46.155 Core 1 16 Mb not available
Reading an array from a file. 25 mb before it reads, but at 18 this error
Anton Ohmat:
I'm reading an array from a file. 25 mb before it reads and at 18 this error

Is this from a school textbook, where kids have to put punctuation marks themselves?

Sergey Dzyublik:

Is this from a school textbook, where children have to put punctuation marks themselves?

That's all you can say about the Core 1 16 Mb not available error
Is it right for the author of EAs in the KB to remove third-party comments pointing out errors in his code in the relevant discussion?
Is it right when the author of EAs in KB deletes third-party comments pointing out errors in his code in the relevant discussion ?

Since when can you moderate your own thread? Maybe it's not the author who deletes ... If it's the author who deletes, then allow them to moderate the thread in their own products in the marketplace.

Vladimir Zubov:

Since when can you moderate your own thread?

When the author is a part-time moderator.