Errors, bugs, questions - page 2061

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I think a line like this would be more useful:

You're not thinking straight.


You're not thinking straight.

Well, it all makes sense now.)

Thanks for the nudge:

         //--- установка параметров операции
         request.action   =TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;        // тип торговой операции
         request.position =position_ticket;          // тикет позиции
         request.symbol   =position_symbol;          // символ 
         request.volume   =volume;                   // объем позиции
         request.deviation=5;                        // допустимое отклонение от цены
         request.magic    =EXPERT_MAGIC;             // MagicNumber позиции
         //--- установка цены и типа ордера в зависимости от типа позиции
            request.type =ORDER_TYPE_SELL;
            request.type =ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
         //--- вывод информации о закрытии
         PrintFormat("Close #%I64d %s %s",position_ticket,position_symbol,EnumToString(type));
         //--- отправка запроса
            PrintFormat("OrderSend error %d",GetLastError());  // если отправить запрос не удалось, вывести код ошибки
         //--- информация об операции   
         PrintFormat("retcode=%u  deal=%I64u  order=%I64u",result.retcode,,result.order);
How to get the start date of testing in OnTesterInit?

You don't. It's to the point that MQL API lacks ways to find out many of tester's settings (I wrote a long time ago in SD back on MT4 and got the usual rejection).

The start date can only be intercepted in OnInit on the agent.

Stanislav Korotky:

The start date can only be intercepted in OnInit on the agent.

That's what I did in Report. But I need it at OnTesterInit, not later.

Working with tics
Access violation at 0x000000014006C3B2 read to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
              000000014006 C3A0 4885 D2            test       rdx, rdx
              000000014006 C3A3 747 B              jz         0x14006c420

              000000014006 C3A5 53                push       rbx
              000000014006 C3A6 4883 EC20          sub        rsp, 0x20
              000000014006 C3AA 48897 C2430        mov        [rsp+0x30], rdi
              000000014006 C3AF 488 BD9            mov        rbx, rcx
   crash -->  000000014006 C3B2 488 B7AF8          mov        rdi, [rdx-0x8]
              000000014006 C3B6 4881 FFE8FFFF00    cmp        rdi, 0xffffe8
              000000014006 C3BD 730 B              jae        0x14006c3ca
              000000014006 C3BF 4883 C138          add        rcx, 0x38
              000000014006 C3C3 E818FA8AFF        call       0x13f91bde0  ; #5094 (terminal64.exe)
              000000014006 C3C8 EB37              jmp        0x14006c401

              000000014006 C3CA 488 D4AE8          lea        rcx, [rdx-0x18]

00: 0x000000014006C3B2
01: 0x000000014008A69C
02: 0x00000000071A0B1C
03: 0x0000000000000003
04: 0x0000000140486000
05: 0x000000002DA1E578
06: 0x0000000007B42EB0
07: 0x605F5E5D5C5B5A59
08: 0x4443424164636261

Access violation at 0x000000014006C3B2 read to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
              000000014006 C3A0 4885 D2            test       rdx, rdx
              000000014006 C3A3 747 B              jz         0x14006c420

              000000014006 C3A5 53                push       rbx
              000000014006 C3A6 4883 EC20          sub        rsp, 0x20
              000000014006 C3AA 48897 C2430        mov        [rsp+0x30], rdi
              000000014006 C3AF 488 BD9            mov        rbx, rcx
   crash -->  000000014006 C3B2 488 B7AF8          mov        rdi, [rdx-0x8]
              000000014006 C3B6 4881 FFE8FFFF00    cmp        rdi, 0xffffe8
              000000014006 C3BD 730 B              jae        0x14006c3ca
              000000014006 C3BF 4883 C138          add        rcx, 0x38
              000000014006 C3C3 E818FA8AFF        call       0x13f91bde0  ; #5094 (terminal64.exe)
              000000014006 C3C8 EB37              jmp        0x14006c401

              000000014006 C3CA 488 D4AE8          lea        rcx, [rdx-0x18]

00: 0x000000014006C3B2
01: 0x000000014008A69C
02: 0x0000000004110560
03: 0x0000000000000003
04: 0x0000000140486000
05: 0x000000001799E4B8
06: 0x000000000F2E37F0
07: 0x6387000000000000
08: 0xE0BEEEA457659F34
09: 0x77AE41F5CE0E464F
10: 0x000000003A853707
11: 0x0000000004113000
12: 0x000000001799E430
13: 0x0000000018240248
14: 0x0000000018240214
15: 0x000000000F2E37F0
16: 0x000000000411146F

Two questions:

1. Why, when the timeframe is changed, the function is not saved in the FOLLOW-UP properties. Example. I have Heikin Ashi indicator and when I change timeframe it is overlaid on top of the price chart, but the FRAME OVER checkbox disappears?

2.I need to save my own profile, I am doing that. How do I transfer my own profile to another computer in MT5? My profile is not in the charts folder(


Two questions:

1. Why, when the timeframe is changed, the function is not saved in the FOLLOW-UP properties. Example. I have Heikin Ashi indicator and when I change timeframe it is overlaid on top of the price chart, but the FRAME OVER checkbox disappears?

2.I need to save my own profile, I am doing that. How do I transfer my own profile to another computer in MT5? My profile is not in the charts folder(

1) mt4/5 is not reproducible, when you change the TF the property remains active. Maybe you are drawing a custom indicator with "show above chart" property...

2) \Users\UserNAME\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\...\MQL5/Profiles/Charts

Has opencv been ported to mql? Isn't it? Or am I confused?
Has opencv been ported to mql? Isn't it? Or am I mistaken?

I haven't seen it and I haven't found it by searching.