Errors, bugs, questions - page 1977

Is it a bug or a misunderstanding of why?
void OnStart()
  Print(true ? 12 : 0.0); // Выводит "12.0", а должен "12"
Is this a bug or a misunderstanding of why?
The second and third operands are always cast to a common type, which is returned at any outcome. The rules under"Conditional operator" are hard to understand.
The second and third operands are always cast to a common type, which is returned at any outcome. The rules under"Conditional operator", but they are hard to understand.

Thank you, that makes sense.

Bug when using a built-in language function as a user type variable
typedef bool (*ACTION)( /*const*/ long Chart = 0 );  

bool ChartClose2( long Chart = 0 ) { return(true); }

void OnStart()
  ACTION Action = ChartClose;   // 'ChartClose' - undeclared identifier, 'ChartClose' - type mismatch
  ACTION Action2 = ChartClose2; // no problem

I was shown a smartphone with a browser... I went to the forum through it and saw that unread threads were in bold, unlike read threads.

Why isn't there such a handy feature for quick visual perception on ordinary computers?


I was shown a smartphone with a browser... I went to the forum through it and saw that unread threads were in bold, unlike read threads.

Why isn't there such a handy feature for quick visual perception on ordinary computers?

In FireFox the dot to the left of new threads is blue - it's immediately visible

I was shown a smartphone with a browser... I went to the forum through it and saw that unread threads were in bold, unlike read threads.

Why isn't there such a handy feature for quick visual perception on regular PCs?

so there was one, but it was abandoned afterwards....

In FireFox, the dot to the left of the new themes is blue - immediately visible

Since they have never been noticed, then their importance is somewhat overestimated. I've been trying to pay them visual attention on purpose, but I can't.


Since they have never been noticed, then their importance is somewhat overestimated. Now I've specifically tried to pay visual attention to them, but I can't.

What browser do you use?
What browser do you use?
