Errors, bugs, questions - page 1416

When does "Internal compiler error" occur?  
We know of two cases so far:
1) In bool &= operation (bool expression)
2) Unnecessary comma in initializing sequences: val={ {...},{...}, }.

Are these bugs still not fixed in the new build? My compiler still generates an error, I have to stick to 1159 build.

Renat Fatkhullin:
The requirement for templates is to place all methods inside the class description without putting bodies outside.

I see, the main thing is to keep this requirement, because just created stack and queue containers and a month later class templates appeared, and everything should work better with them :)

Another question is about class templates. There are two template classes, one class uses another, will a type transfer from one template class to another or not?


I see, the main thing is to keep this requirement, because just created stack and queue containers and a month later class templates appeared, and everything should work better with them :)

Another question is about class templates. There are two template classes, one of the classes uses another one, will there be a type transfer from one template class to another or not?

Try it.
Renat Fatkhullin:
Try it.
I try it and get a few errors, think of another way to do it...

На сегодня известно о двух случаях:
1) в операции bool &= (bool expression)
2) Лишняя запятая в инициализирующих последовательностях: val={ {...},{...}, }

Alexey Navoykov:
Have these bugs still not fixed in the new build? My compiler is still giving me an error, I have to stay on 1159 build.

Checked it just in case with extra comma in p.2 in MT4 890 - just gives error message.

Has anyone done a CList sorting?

Basically we need to override Compare.

But all the time I call Compare of the base class. But it doesn't work, I wonder what's wrong here...

Made a simple example:

class COperation : public CObject
   double           number;
   COperation(double p) { number = p;}

virtual int Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0);
 int COperation::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0)
   const COperation *ppp = node;
   if(this.number > ppp.number)
      return 1;
   if(this.number < ppp.number)
       return -1;
  return 0;

void OnStart()
   CList *list = new CList();
   list.Add(new COperation(3));
   list.Add(new COperation(4));
   list.Add(new COperation(7));
   list.Add(new COperation(2));
   list.Add(new COperation(3));
   list.Add(new COperation(9));
   list.Add(new COperation(0));
   list.Add(new COperation(1));
   Print("After Sort");
   COperation *node = list.GetFirstNode();
   string numbers = "";
   for(;node != NULL; node = node.Next())
      numbers += (string)node.number + " ";
    numbers = "";
   Print("Before Sort");
   node = list.GetFirstNode();
   for(;node != NULL; node = node.Next())
      numbers += (string)node.number + " ";
   delete list;
sort.mq5  3 kb

When processing nested templates (MQL4), I see glitches with type passing - has anyone noticed that?

In particular, there's a class A with a template method, inside of which an object of another class B is created by a template constructor using the same type T that the method was initialized with. As a result, inside that method the typename correctly defines the type passed in, e.g. as int, but inside the B constructor the typename is already string.


The most orthodox way to sort the sheet is to overload it into an array, sort the array and overload it back.

I use sorting all the time - no problems at all.

You,sigma7i, have incorrectly overridden method Coperation::Compare(), it returns the wrong type of value, which the base method CObject::Compare() returns, and compiler takes it as separate, not virtual. As the result, only the base method is called in your objects, the compiler believes that there is no descendant...


But all the time it calls Compare of the base class. But it doesn't work, so I think there's something wrong...

virtual int Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const;