Errors, bugs, questions - page 1404


In the OnCalculate() function, what values of spread[] get into the array? The maximal one per candle? Or other values?

It is not clear from the help:

spread[] – массив, содержащий историю спредов (если спред предусмотрен для данного торгового инструмента). 

Does it work in the indicators? Question about them.
In indicators called via iCustom, it definitely does not work.
Ilya Malev:
In indicators called via iCustom, it definitely does not work.
The indicator is not called here, but checked. I.e. there is no iCustom call. Although, it is not implemented in indicators in principle. Service Desk is sorted out.
Service Desk is sorting it out.
Write back when it's sorted out.
Ilya Malev:
Write back when you have sorted it out.
Ilya Malev:
Will be in the next build, I guess.
Alexey Navoykov:

When does "Internal compiler error" occur?

I had one but with a number (either 27 or 127). After rearranging a couple of lines it disappeared.
Alexey Navoykov:

When does "Internal compiler error" occur? There's no place in the code where this error occurred. And it appeared after upgrading to the latest build. I was darned to upgrade...

And as I see in this thread, I'm not the only one who's had it. So the usual... Oh, those poor developers.

So far we have known of two cases:
1) bool &= (bool expression) operation
2) superfluous comma in initializing sequences: val={ {...},{...}, }

Can you please tell me, what spread values are passed to spread[] array when OnCalculate() is called in the indicator? Maximum/minimum/average for the candlestick?