Errors, bugs, questions - page 1236


From the description of FileWriteStruct and similar functions:

uint  FileWriteStruct(
   int          file_handle,       // handle файла
   const void&  struct_object,     // ссылка на объект
   int          size=-1            // размер для записи в байтах

Where did the void& type come from? There is no such thing either in MQL or C++. And this is actually absurd: how can there be a reference to a void ! In general, I advise you to remove this nonsense.It is at least misleading because it does not correspond to the language syntax. You need a template function here.


From the description of FileWriteStruct and similar functions:

Where did the void& type come from?

Don't you understand what void& is hiding?

Particularly pleasing is the mixing of template and beginner syntax.

void  PrintFormat(
   string format_string,   // форматная строка
   ...                     // значения простых типов

three points need to be removed, horror, sleepovers in shock, outrageous - pamacare !!!

Structures do not have pointers inMQL, they are passed by reference.
Thevoid is not a problem for a newbie, he/she should not even pay attention.
Thetemplate <typename Type> will give you the same question a day later about what it is and how to deal with it.

wheni wrote andwrote i got beaten ))


Don't you understand what's behind the void&?

The mixing of template syntax and newcomers is particularly pleasing.

There can be something behind fences too.

Do you think it's enough to write any nonsense in documentation (which is exactly what it looks like) and the user should understand what it hides?


There may be something behind fences too.

Do you think it is enough to write any nonsense in the documentation (which is exactly what it looks like) and the user should understand what is behind it?

It's not nonsense, it's a reasonable solution.

Watch the level of nagging, please. Just yesterday simpleton on a neighbouring forum got so worked up about inventing problems and concentrating on accusations that he went to ban for ever.


It's not nonsense, it's a sensible solution.

How is it reasonable? Give at least one explanation. I have given you 3 reasons: 1) Failure to follow MQL syntax. 2) Failure to follow C++ syntax. 3) Failure to follow common sense. Are these problems contrived? We are talking about technical documentation.
Did you see my post about BarsCalculated()? Can you comment on it? Or do you need to go to servicedesk?
Did you see my post about BarsCalculated()? Can you comment on it? Or do you need to go to servicedesk?
Better go to servisdesk.

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is it supposed to be like this?

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Yesterday, in the latest 1013 build, a construct that has always worked safely stopped working:

HL2[u] = 5.0 * HL2[u] / (1.0 + fabs(4.02 * HL2[u]));

Complains about error zero divide in '<censored>' (61,34)

I racked my brains - how is it possible? There is no way 0 may be in denominator of this trinket. And it works every time, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Was just thinking "look at that, a bloody dozen in the build.