Errors, bugs, questions - page 1046


Oops... switched from unlimit to 5000

ps after a few restarts it worked. max bars no matter how many - no zeros.


Shit. That's weird. What I was afraid of was poor reproducibility. Did you check under load?

What kind of CPU?

I have an AMD Phenom II X6, win7 64, terminal x64.

How's that? Trai on, falsa on... ...tray wrote...

Intel E6750


How's that? Trai on, falsa on... trai wrote.

Intel E7650

Nope, not that, there at compile you can "delete" all calculations and graph output by redefining the define (leaving an empty OnCalculate(), "no load", only with the print).

If you compile "as downloaded", the indicator draws the graph, i.e. "under load" .

It says in the code:

// Комментируя первую и раскоментируя вторую строку удаляем из индикатора "сложные расчёты"
#define  Empty(x)  x             // 1  "под нагрузкой"
//#define Empty(x)                  // 2   "без нагрузки"


My indicator works as it should without load but under load (when there are CopyBuffer() ) it zeros out only once and duplicated calls on every tick two or three times.


No, not that, there at compilation it is possible to "remove" all calculations and chart output (it leaves empty OnCalculate(), "without load", only with print).

If you compile "as downloaded", the indicator draws the graph, i.e. "under load" .

It says in the code:


Oh, sorry, I didn't read the code.

Tried it this way and that way, it doesn't reproduce. 0 only on compile, startup, change of tf or input, everything seems normal.


Now I restarted the terminal with Unlimited - it does not double, everything is normal.

But that's too bad, I don't need so many bars, my memory is more important for me............

Restarted again with 100000 bars - again doubling ticks and zeroing... :(


I restarted the terminal with Unlimited - it does not double, everything is fine.

But that's not good, I don't need so many bars, my memory is more important for me............ :(

Now what if I get 5,000 back? Without restarting the terminal?

I originally had Unlimited - there were no zeros, and they didn't appear when I restricted them.

And now if you return 5,000? Without restarting the terminal?
And that doesn't work. The script says "you have to restart the terminal for the changes to take effect".
New this button, with the display of news in friends' feeds. Even if you disable "show in feed", it still lights up when a news item from an already disconnected one appears.
And it doesn't work, the writing says "you have to restart the terminal for the changes to take effect".

Somehow it works. If you change it to 5000, flick it and come back, it will go oops, i.e. it understands something.

But it doesn't limit the bars.

The nicks after resetting from 5000 came back on, it's fine.


Somehow it works. If you change it to 5000, flick it and come back, it will go oops, i.e. it understands something.

But it doesn't limit the bars.

The nicks after resetting from 5000 came back on, it's fine.

Yeah, right, tried that, got that "oops" - pure bug, for servicedesk, in general.

2013.08.21 18:37:32     prev_calc_Test (EURUSD,M1)      array out of range in 'prev_calc_Test.mq5' (77,1)
2013.08.21 18:37:32     prev_calc_Test (EURUSD,M1)      prev_calculated == 0;  rates_total ==100000;  ArrSize(close) ==100000
2013.08.21 18:37:32     prev_calc_Test (EURUSD,M1)      prev_calculated == 100000;  rates_total ==100000;  ArrSize(close) ==100000
2013.08.21 18:37:29     prev_calc_Test (EURUSD,M1)      prev_calculated == 0;  rates_total ==100000;  ArrSize(close) ==100000
i.e. (as i understand) innocent, unsuspecting indicator is called with rates_total==100000, and CopyRates(,,100000,) request leads to a pop (array out of range in ...) - the terminal already has only 50000 available. fun.