Errors, bugs, questions - page 2974


Unable to install the utility from the Market to MT4 on a VPS server. The following message is displayed in the log:

2021.03.01 23:53:31.809 MQL4 Market: failed connect to ( failed)

I have written to VPS Server's support. They checked and responded as follows:

"We have analyzed the situation and found that access is blocked on the side. We do not know the reason for blocking your server and from our side we can not do anything to solve this situation, as it is beyond our area of responsibility. We recommend to contact technical support or site administrator.

Can you please explain why mql5 is blocking the IP of my VPS and what can be done about it?

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in this code:

input string s = "qwerty";

what is the maximum length of string s the user can enter?

Oleksandr Stashuk:

Unable to install the utility from the Market to MT4 on a VPS server. The following message is displayed in the log:

2021.03.01 23:53:31.809 MQL4 Market: failed connect to ( failed)

I have written to VPS Server's support. They checked and responded as follows:

"We have analyzed the situation and found that access is blocked on the side. We do not know the reason for blocking your server and from our side we can not do anything to solve this situation, as it is beyond our area of responsibility. We recommend to contact technical support or site administrator.

Can you please explain why mql5 is blocking the IP of my VPS and what can be done about it?

Evgeny Belyaev:


Igor Makanu:

in this code:

what is the maximum length of string s the user can enter?

The length of the string "variable=value" cannot exceed 255 characters (256 with 0 at the end). That is, in this case no more than 253 characters
Igor Makanu:

in this code:

what is the maximum length of string s the user can enter?

If not input, then no limit.


If not input, no restrictions.

with input yesterday looking for an error.... found....

The length of "variable=value" string cannot exceed 255 characters (256 with ending 0). So, in this case, not more than 253 characters.

I did not find this information in the documentation, very unambiguous compiler behavior

Here's a test script I tested under MQL4:

#property strict
//#property script_show_inputs
input string s = "1234567890AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz"
#include <Files\FileTxt.mqh>
CFileTxt F;

void OnStart()
   if(F.Open("qwerty.txt", FILE_WRITE | FILE_COMMON) > 0) F.WriteString(s);

in this form writes to the file about 2 Kb of text without any problems

but if you uncomment this code

//#property script_show_inputs

a new window will appear and it will be empty, so even if you press OK, it will overwrite an empty file

imho, either a compiler warning or the help article about input should have a warning about 255 characters for a string

Oleksandr Stashuk:


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Why is access to blocked?

Renat Fatkhullin, 2020.11.17 12:16

It works exactly as intended.

The entire Zomro provider with subnets has been blocked for massive fraudulent activities from his subnets.

Stop being naive already. You knew exactly why you wanted this particular ISP.

Evgeny Belyaev:

There you go, thanks, that's good to know.

Hi all, so why does SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE) return 0?