Errors, bugs, questions - page 2855


Error on the site: Insert code, then highlight code fragment with colour

Result: code is deleted

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Сергей Таболин:

Question two.

these loops usually start with ArraySize() - 1

Igor Makanu:

such loops usually start with ArraySize() - 1

I know )))) Only I have netMLP size =ArraySize(indicators) + 1

P.S. By the way, in the error it says "
critical runtime error 502 in OnInit function

Although the string is in OnDeinit....


There are profit guarantees in some of the marketplace products.

Wrote complaints, saved pages, checked after a month, 0 reaction...

Is it supposed to be like this ?

Сергей Таболин:

I know )))) Only I have netMLP size = ArraySize(indicators) + 1

You see, you are aware of it and telepaths have not come to this forum

if common code writing techniques were optimized by you for ???? ( to increase performance? ))) ), there's a good chance it's a logical error in your algorithm.... anyway - still a telepath

int a,b,c;
{b=2; c=3;}     // компилируется без ошибок

{b=2; c=3;};     // тоже компилируется без ошибок

in mt4 you can leave out the semicolon after the curly braces of the if statement, or it's not the same and there are differences.

Expert can sometimes, very rarely, print a strange print.
2020.09.24 16:30:57.914 TestEA (NQ100,M1)        739
But I don't have Print("739") in my code
What could this mean?
Valeriy Yastremskiy:

in mt4 you can leave out the semicolon after the curly braces of the if statement, or it's not the same and there are differences.

You should never put a semicolon after curly braces, probably not in any language.
You should never put a semicolon after braces, probably not in any language


Igor Makanu:

you see, you are aware and telepaths have not arrived on this forum

if generally accepted code-writing techniques you have optimised for the purpose of ???? ( to increase performance? ))). ), there's a good chance it's a logical error in your algorithm.... Anyway, all the same to telepaths.

Igor, the question was not about the error in the code itself, but about the question - why does it write error during optimization and not during a single run?