Errors, bugs, questions - page 2838


It is possible. Just use the 64 bit version of spy

Yes, there is such a thing, thank you.


It is not logical thatSERIES_BARS_COUNT property typeis long and TERMINAL_MAXBARS is int

These properties were expected to be of the same type


ArrayInitialize function doesn't work for some reason

ArrayInitialize(DEMA,EMPTY_VALUE); //это в инициализации

... and this is the result

But if you insert the following code at the beginning of OnCalculate

if(prev_calculated == 0)
     for(int i = rates_total - period; i < rates_total; i++) DEMA[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;

... it "erases" what we don't need.

Build 2584


Good afternoon, esteemed experts

Some misunderstood problems with the repository, possibly unsynchronization. In general, I can't understand how I can break connection with the repository, delete everything and download sources again. When working with SVN directly, you could just delete the source folder and the hidden .svn folder. Can't find anything like that, I delete all files and it treats it as a source change, suggests to commit.


I don't know if it's right or wrong, but deleting mql5.index and mql5.content files helped.

Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FolderDelete
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FolderDelete
//|                                            Demo_FolderDelete.mq5 | //|                        Copyright 2011, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //|                                    | //| Script program start function                                    |
Alexandr Sokolov:

ArrayInitialize function doesn't work for some reason

... and this is the result

But if you insert the following code at the beginning of OnCalculate

... it "erases" what we don't need.

Build 2584.

Trace the size of the indicator buffer array at different moments, how much at OnInit and how much at OnCalculate

Alexey Viktorov:

Trace the size of the indicator buffer array at different times, how much at OnInit and how much at OnCalculate

Thank you!


Good afternoon, esteemed experts

Some misunderstood problems with the repository, possibly unsynchronization. In general, I can't understand how I can break connection with the repository, delete everything and download sources again. When working with SVN directly, you could just delete the source folder and the hidden .svn folder. Can't find anything like that, I delete all files and it treats it as a source change, suggests to commit.


I do not know if it is right or wrong, but deleting mql5.index and mql5.content files helped.

For really important projects, Do not use the repository.! In fact, the very name "The Vault" reeks of something gloomy, like a burial ground.)

And if you do use it, don't forget to make archive copies in other places from time to time

In the good old Metaeditor, the Compile button only compiles the current file. The fifth version compiles the whole project

site is broken

now it's impossible to read source code in KB from Android, only one page of source code opens by clicking "Preview", scrolling below will result in empty text - it used to work without problems

Vin10-64 browser Chrome, also broke the sources in KB, now can not click on "View" and left click on the attached files, pops up a window - in the screenshot

and in english part of the forum if the sources were Cyrillic, then now will be languid characters - screenshot, before without problems

Error during execution:
class A {
    A()           { Print(1);}
    A( const A& ) { Print(2); }
    ~A()          { Print(0); }
void OnStart()
        A a1;
        A a2 = A(a1);

Result: 1-2-2-0-0-0

Expected result: 1-2-0-0

as in C++.