Errors, bugs, questions - page 2482


Bild 2085

Bugs in setting custom character properties.

SYMBOL_START_TIME with parameter 1556658000 Error code: 5308
SYMBOL_SESSION_PRICE_LIMIT_MIN with parameter 0.00000001 Error code: 5308
All SessionQuote with indexes from 0 to 6 consecutively Error code: 4307 4307
All SessionTrade with indexes sequentially from 0 to 6 Error code: 4307 4307

If all days are indexed 0 in SessionQuote and SessionTrade, no errors.

Also in previous builds spontaneous addition of created custom symbols to market overview when server reconnect occurred.
This phenomenon is likely to remain in 2085

Bild 2085

Bugs in setting custom character properties.

SYMBOL_START_TIME with parameter 1556658000 Error code: 5308
SYMBOL_SESSION_PRICE_LIMIT_MIN with parameter 0.00000001 Error code: 5308
All SessionQuote with indexes from 0 to 6 consecutively Error code: 4307 4307
All SessionTrade with indexes sequentially from 0 to 6 Error code: 4307 4307

If all days in SessionQuote and SessionTrade are set to index 0, there are no bugs.

Also in previous builds spontaneous addition of custom symbols to market overview created when server reconnect occurred.
This phenomenon is likely to remain in 2085

When setting start time, there is a check with set expiry time value. Set the expiry time first.

Same with minimum limit. Set max first.

Regarding code 4307, show the code how you set the sessions. If you are requesting a session with index 6, then you have set 7 sessions for that day.

It's not a bug. You just haven't asked a single question.


Regarding code 4307, show the code how you set up the sessions. If you are requesting a session with index 6, then you have set up 7 sessions for that day.

These are not bugs. You just haven't asked any questions.

So to set one session in one day, use index zero in all days of the week?
If so? Then yes it is not an error but a feature. I thought that the index number is the index number of the days.
The documentation does not say anything about this, that the sessions for one day. So it is misleading.


So, to set one session in one day, use index zero in all days of the week?
If so? It is not an error, but a feature. I thought that the index number is the number of day index.
The documentation does not say anything about this, that the sessions for one day. So it is misleading.

There are special functions CustomSymbolSetSessionQuote andCustomSymbolSetSessionTrade to set sessions


To set up sessions, there are special functions CustomSymbolSetSessionQuote andCustomSymbolSetSessionTrade

That's what we're talking about, but the documentation doesn't explicitly say that this is the sequential number of sessions for one day.
It's the same with the SYMBOL_START_TIME constant, in the documentation of the list of constants, it doesn't say about the sequence that you have to setthe expiration time first.
Not a complete description in the documentation, and misleading to the user.


In other words, to set one session to one day, use index zero in all days of the week?
If so? It is not an error, but a feature. I thought the index number is the number of day index.
The documentation does not say anything about this, that the sessions for one day. So it is misleading.

The documentation says

Sessions can only be added sequentially, i.e. a session with index session_index=1can only be added if a session with index 0 already exists. If this rule is broken, no new session will be added, and the function itself returns false.

The documentation clearly says the day of the week you set the session for. ONE day of the week.


[in] Day of week, value from enum_DAY_OF_WEEK.

What does day index number have to do with it? There is a special parameter session_index for the session number. This is explicitly stated in the documentation

Corrected the code according to your recommendations, no errors. Thank you for the clarification.
And sorry for the confusion with the topics, now I understand how you have implemented communication with the bug report, I'll make it up to you.

I'm sick of the glass, whether it's a bug or not a tank, but it has this uncalled for ability to stretch over the entire chart and no matter how you try to shrink it - nothing works... I've already written to servicedisk but they didn't understand me... how do I get it back into frame...


Сергей Криушин:

I'm sick of the glass, whether it's a bug or not the tank, but it has a very unnecessary ability to stretch to the entire chart and do not try to compress it - nothing works ... have already written to servicedisk but they did not understand me ... how to get it back into the frame ...

Pull the glass with the LKM cursor, by the blue left panel.


Another contradiction in the continuation of this topic:

void f(  const string  ) {} //(1)
void f(  const string& ) {} //(2)
void OnStart()
              string s1;
        f( s1 ); //(11) //нормально
        const string s2 = s1;
        f( s2 ); //(22) //Error: 'f' - ambiguous call to overloaded function with the same parameters

What is the difference between (11) and (22) ?