Errors, bugs, questions - page 1690

Thanks - it's an interesting idea, but I would like to get a one in this situation as a neutral indicator - this rarely happens, and when analysing the results of optimisation the whole statistic is spoiled.

I think I will.

 if (TesterStatistics(STAT_PROFIT_FACTOR)>10000) m_profit_factor=1;

else  m_profit_factor=0;

I just thought the problem with recording was...
Thanks - it's an interesting idea, but I would like to get a one in this situation as a neutral indicator - this rarely happens, and when analysing the results of optimisation the whole statistic is spoiled.
double ProfitFactor(void) const {return(m_profit_factor == DBL_MAX ? 1 : m_profit_factor);};
It says in the helper that DBL_MAX=1.79 and I have179written- without a comma - do you think it will work?
It all worked out - thank you!
It says in the helper that DBL_MAX=1.79 but I have179 - no comma - do you think it will work?
Rhetorical question.
It's a rhetorical question.
For me it's not rhetorical - I really don't understand something why there's a comma and there isn't... ?
It's not rhetoric for me - I really don't understand something why there's a comma and there isn't... ?
It works - and that's OK. Learn to program - you will find the answer to your question.
If it works, that's fine. If you learn to program, you will find the answer to your question.
Yes, in this life you have to combine everything...
Andrey Dik:

What spread values does theCopySpread() function producefor the corresponding chart period?

It is not clear whether it is the average, minimum or maximum, and the help of the function does not say anything about it.

I asked a similar question once. I don't remember the exact answer from the SD, but it was something like, "whatever they put in there, that's what it will be".