Errors, bugs, questions - page 1539

Thank you, I couldn't reproduce it with a simple example. Only the indicator is too slow, 10015 ms. rewrite the indicator, please. I will think of an example to reproduce the problem.

OnDeinit is always executed after OnCalculate
Is there any other reason in the terminal that is able to delete a class instance from memory when its destructor is only called at OnDeinit?
You cannot use the built-in MQL tools, you have to do it yourself, for example, for the debug version add the "caller function name" parameter
I have added such a parameter. What do you mean by different debug and release versions in one code?
How do I go into debug mode when the indicator is manually removed from the chart? Need to understand what's going on with the guts. The problem is not clear from the unprinter, if Slawa is not mistaken.
Somehow the indicator (without DLL) makes new bars on the chart stop drawing. As soon as I remove the indicator, new bars appear immediately. I am able to show it only on video. How do I show it here?
Such a parameter has been added. And what do you mean by different debug and release versions in the same code?
ifdef _DEBUG I suspect
ifdef _DEBUG I suspect
Thanks, didn't get to that before. The code only becomes unreadable with two versions at once. Folding would be...
How do I go into debug mode when the indicator is manually removed from the chart? Need to understand what's going on with the guts. The problem is not clear from the unprinter, unless Slawa is mistaken.
Really need some help!
Really need help!
Breakpoint in OnDeinit().
Karputov Vladimir:
The breakpoint is in OnDeinit().

I need the MOMENT of deletion of the chart, not OnDeinit. For example, during OnCalculate I delete an indicator. Ideally, _StopFlag should be monitored everywhere, but it doesn't work.

There is no such built-in event, which could cause a debug stop.