Errors, bugs, questions - page 1240


What exactly is the value in HL2[u] ?

This is easy to find out by pre-priming before the operation.

It looks like you have a NaN value.

Ok. But why did it work before.

I'll check now.


I'll check now.

I put the prints up - the error is gone...

The observer effect in quantum mechanics is something...


I put the prints in place - the error is gone...

The observer effect in quantum mechanics is something...

And if you remove the prints, the error reappears? )))
Reboot your terminal or connect to MetaQuotes server. After the restart the latest build (1013) should be loaded.

Did all sorts of procedures recommended and not exactly. The build has not been updated

connected as well.

But MT5 did.

I want it to be nice and tight.

Oh, I still have the glitch on 5.


Did all sorts of procedures recommended and not exactly. The build is not updated.


I wanted it to be strict and beautiful...


The context menu on the desktop needs to be adjusted. ) There are some articles about it on the internet. For example:What is a context menu and how to configure it

I wish it were possible to do that with a context menu. ;)


So, connecting to MetaQuotes server and then rebooting the terminal does not start downloading the update?

Что такое контекстное меню Windows и как его настроить
Что такое контекстное меню Windows и как его настроить
  • Андрей
Многим нравится операционная система Windows, и многие из нас выросли на ней. Но некоторые непостоянные пользователи ПК – или те, кто совсем недавно перешел на Windows – часто путаются в поисках информации о некоторых простых вещах, которые управляют операционной системой от Microsoft. Один из таких элементов графического элемента называется...


So connecting to the MetaQuotes server and then rebooting the terminal does not trigger the update download?

No, it doesn't.


I made it that way on purpose for something I don't use.


Yes it doesn't.


About the menu, I made it that way on purpose, why is there something I don't use?

I'm not getting the update to Bild 1013 either. This is because update is not issued to all at once - otherwise there would be a huge load on the servers, and during the day. If not today, tomorrow update will be picked up from MetaQuotes-Demo server.

P.S. The update is being downloaded :)


I too am not picking up the update on Bild 1013. This is because the update is not issued to all at once - otherwise there would be a huge load on the servers, but during the day. If not today, tomorrow update will be picked up from MetaQuotes-Demo server.

P.S. The update is being downloaded :)

To use MetaQuotes server until it will be updated. Do I understand you correctly?
And if you remove the prints, does the error reappear? )))


No. The error no longer appears.

To use MetaQuotes server until it is updated. Do I understand you correctly?

The update search is triggered when connecting to the MetaQuotes-Demo server. It is possible in the following cases:

  1. Switching a trading account from some account to a trading account opened on MetaQuotes-Demo;
  2. Reloading of the terminal.