Errors, bugs, questions - page 1050

Tried it already. Same thing.


Probably because of privacy. I don't know why they did that, it would have been better to require initialisation of all the static at the announcement point:

class Profiler
    static Profiler *pSingleton = NULL;

Then privacy would not interfere.


Service Desk.

I'll write to you in a minute.

I have another question. How can I refactor OBJ_LABEL? The situation is as follows. There is OBJ_LABEL with some text on the chart of the indicator. It is shown normally. I open the properties of the indicator, I change the parameters, the event OnInit occurs where this label is set - the text changes depending on the state of the indicator (roughly speaking, the parameters). But the mark doesn't appear until the indicator is recalculated and redrawn. And the point of the marker is precisely to tell the user "Wait", like. When an indicator is first applied to a chart, the mark appears normally and is visible BEFORE the charts appear. The problem is only when changing the parameters of an already existing chart.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Типы объектов
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Типы объектов
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы объектов / Типы объектов - Документация по MQL5


Another question has arisen. How can OBJ_LABEL be reframed? The situation is as follows. There is OBJ_LABEL with some text on the chart of the indicator. It is shown normally. I open the properties of the indicator, I change the parameters, the event OnInit occurs where this label is set - the text changes depending on the state of the indicator (roughly speaking, the parameters). But the mark doesn't appear until the indicator is recalculated and redrawn. And the point of the marker is precisely to tell the user "Wait", like. When an indicator is first applied to a chart, the mark appears normally and is visible BEFORE the charts appear. The problem is only when changing the parameters of an already existing chart.

ChartRedraw() does not help?

I'll get back to you on that.

I have another question. How can I refactor OBJ_LABEL? The situation is as follows. There is OBJ_LABEL with some text on the chart of the indicator. It is shown normally. I open the properties of the indicator, I change the parameters, the event OnInit occurs where this label is set - the text changes depending on the state of the indicator (roughly speaking, the parameters). But the mark doesn't appear until the indicator is recalculated and redrawn. And the point of the marker is precisely to tell the user "Wait", like. When an indicator is first applied to a chart, the mark appears normally and is visible BEFORE the charts appear. The only problem is when changing the parameters of an already existing inductor.

If the short name hangs too - I haven't managed to beat it.

If you create the label directly in the init - try to put it in a function.

ChartRedraw() doesn't help?
I had such a problem, it didn't help. It was as if it just didn't get to it - until the turkey was completely recalculated, and then it would spit out everything at once - both from the init and from the calculator.
ChartRedraw() doesn't help?
Thanks, it helps, although I'm not sure it doesn't pull a lot more "bot" than necessary.
Thanks, it helps, although I'm not sure it's not twitching a lot more 'tots' than necessary.
Never mind the tots, they're all in the other stream twitching.
Another question. Are we still not allowed to get profile notifications here if someone on the forum has made a "reply" to your post?
Another question. Are we still not allowed to get profile notifications here if someone on the forum has made a "reply" to your post?
No, we don't. But it would be very nice. Have you sent a request to Service Desk?
There is no such thing. But it would be very nice. Have you sent a request to Service Desk yet?

Not yet, but I can post it.

Apparently another question comes from the same thread. What is the principle by which products are sorted in the Market? How do I change the sorting order? For example, I have the tab "Popular". What is "popular" - views, downloads, reviews, rating? None of these seem to exist. However, I would like to sort by any of these indicators. And on tab "Paid" I'd like to sort by price.