Errors, bugs, questions - page 800



Maybe he wanted to place an order on GBPUSD to EURUSD?

A multi-currency test?




Multicurrency test, I need to open trades in several instruments with one working instrument. This is actually a stripped down version to highlight the problem area

By the way, all but the first pending order is placed


Multicurrency test, I need to open trades in several instruments with one work instrument. This is actually a reduced version to highlight the problem area

By the way, all except the first pending order are placed.

If we try to use visualization without any stops, will it place?

Or moves stops away to be sure?


Would it work if you tried the visuals without the stops?

Or move the stops back to be sure?

1) I haven't tried without stops at all. But when tested on "my" currency, it bets... Tomorrow I will try

2) Stops have already moved away quite a lot - to tp 100 pips, to sl even more


Why does the servicedesk icon stand out as if there were unread/new messages as a favourite? How can I tell if there's been a reply?



Why does the servicedesk icon stand out as if there were unread/new messages as a favourite? How can I tell if there's been a reply?

I usually click on it and look there.
This has already been discussed in a neighbouring thread. We have come to the opinion that the icon lights up not only when a new message is received from the Service Desk, but also when one of the developers looks at your application. So, if the Service Desk icon turns on often, but there are no new messages, your application is of serious interest to developers. You can be proud. :)
I see, thank you, really already extinguished =) Well there's actually a serious mistake, emails come to the mail and links do not work at all, or rather pages on them have long been gone, and I thought at first, problems with the Internet, and then tried to go through the address bar in the profile, and this turns out not, update on our resource, but the sweat messages are forgotten to fix =)))
This has already been discussed in a neighbouring thread. Have come to the conclusion that the icon lights up not only when a new message from the servicedeck, but when someone from the developers is looking at your request. Hence, if the Service Desk icon turns on often, but there are no new messages, your application is seriously interested in developers. You can be proud. :)

Also, the developer's icon lights up if you've been to the application profile, so we stare at each other :)

The developer sees that the icon is lit and goes in and you see that the developer went in and also go in to see if she looked back to see if I looked back...

IMHO if there have been changes the icon should be large, if you just visited a small one.


Also, the developer's icon lights up if you've been to the application profile, so we stare at each other :)

Developer sees that the icon is lit and goes in and you see that the developer has visited and also go in to look back to see if she has looked back to see if I have looked back...

IMHO if there have been changes the icon should be large, if just visited small.

What's the point of that? except to smile =)
What's the point of that? other than to smile =)

Actually about the developer icons it's my guess, and I hope (on the talent of the web programmer) unfounded.

So looking back is a joke (probably).

As for the big and small icons, though, quite a serious suggestion.