Errors, bugs, questions - page 486


There is a bug when opening a file. It appears that the meta-editor rewrites all the code into one line (the same thing on different computers). Through notepad everything opens as it should. Here is a screenshot:

What to do with it and where is the bug?

Most likely, the file is saved with line feeds in Linux style - only LF is used instead of a couple of CRLF characters (may be copied from a browser, you know who generated it) - you need to convert it to Windows format.
MetaDriver thanks!!! Just what you need!!! :-))
OKAY. :)

New question: are static objects supported?

I've described a variable a la static MyCalss myObject in the OnTick function - so a new instance is created at each tick.

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Функции обработки событий
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Функции обработки событий
Основы языка / Функции / Функции обработки событий - Документация по MQL5
Previously, when changing an expert in the tester, the parameters used with that expert in the tester the last time were automatically set. Now this does not happen. Bug?

New question: are static objects supported?

Not yet.
Previously, when changing an EA in the tester, the parameters used with that EA in the tester last time were automatically set. This does not happen now. Is it a bug?

Parameters saved in the relevant set file are loaded.

Changes are saved when testing/optimisation starts or when calling the context save command in the parameter list.

If this does not work for you, please describe the details to servicedesk.


Urain, marketeer

On my question I can say that the file was either being hit by a browser, an antivirus, or the mail server was hitting it at all(!?). The solution was found in forwarding a zipped file with a password.

p.s. Both computers have Windows.


...... The solution was found in sending a zipped file with a password.

:) That's cool. Without the password, they'd definitely steal the translations again. That's how they do it in Russia...

Urain, marketeer

On my question I can say that the file was either being hit by a browser, an antivirus, or the mail server was hitting it (!?). The solution was found in forwarding a zipped file with a password.

p.s. Both computers have Windows.

they could have just put it into RAR. Zip is an open format, everybody gets into it. But not in rar.
you could have just put it in RAR. Zip is an open format, everyone gets into it. Not in rar.

You could also use encryption. And nowadays, all power is in hemoglobin.